Patient Assessment
- 0.1 Patient Demand
- 0.2 Anatomical location
Patient History
- 2.1 General patient history
- 2.2 Local history
Risk Assessment
- 3.1 Risk Assessment Overview
- 3.2 Age
- 3.3 Patient Compliance
- 3.4 Smoking
- 3.5 Drug Abuse
- 3.6 Recreational Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- 3.7 Condition of Natural Teeth
- 3.8 Parafunctions
- 3.9 Diabetes
- 3.10 Anticoagulants
- 3.11 Osteoporosis
- 3.12 Bisphosphonates
- 3.13 MRONJ
- 3.14 Steroids
- 3.15 Radiotherapy
- 3.16 Risk factors
Treatment Procedures
Treatment procedures general considerations
- 0.1 Anesthesia
- 0.2 peri-operative care
- 0.3 Flap- or flapless
- 0.4 Non-guided protocol
- 0.5 Semi-guided protocol
- 0.6 Guided protocol overview
- 0.7 Guided protocol NobelGuide
- 0.8 Parallel implant placement considerations
- 0.9 Tapered implant placement considerations
- 0.10 3D implant position
- 0.11 Implant insertion torque
- 0.12 Intra-operative complications
- 0.13 Impression procedures, digital impressions, intraoral scanning
- 3.2 Treatment procedures esthetic zone surgical
- 3.3 Treatment procedures esthetic zone prosthetic
- 3.4 Treatment procedures posterior zone surgical
- 3.5 Treatment procedures posterior zone prosthetic
Treatment procedures general considerations
Key points
- 従来の歯科学においては、延長ブリッジの修復物は慎重に使用されています。
- 延長ブリッジを伴うインプラントは、特定の生体力学的原理に従う必要があります。
- 延長ブリッジの修復物には、入念な計画作成が必要です。
- 延長ブリッジの修復物は、特定の臨床所見においてのみ使用する必要があります。
- 2本目のインプラントの費用は、延長ブリッジの必要性を示すものでありません。
延長ブリッジが効果的に働く適応があります。インプラントが十分な幅と長さをもつと仮定すると、成功の見込のある延長ブリッジは、上顎犬歯から上顎側切歯まで、上顎中切歯をともに抜歯する場合や、下顎犬歯から下顎側切歯まで、下顎中切歯をともに抜歯する場合などに作成可能です。臼歯部の延長ブリッジは、単独の隣接(single abutted)の場合には何としても回避する必要があります。臼歯部咬合力の性質は、インプラントコンポーネントの能力を大きく上回る可能性があります。その結果、反復的なスクリューの緩み、インプラントコンポーネント、修復物構成材料の破折、結合の喪失を招く可能性があります。
Dental codes for cantilever crown and abutment
What are the codes you would use for a cantilever implant crown abutment that is pfm.? Assume there is a custom abutment.
What are the codes you would use for a cantilever implant crown abutment that is pfm.? Assume there is a custom abutment.
In the event your patient cannot afford or is not a candidate for the placement of two implants and two implant crown restorations and the patient does not want anything removable like a flipper you would present a treatment plan that offers a patient one implant crown and a cantilever. In this case the correct coding would be:
D6066 Implant Crown
D6057 Implant Crown Abutment
D6240 for this treatment plan the pontic code (D6240) is used for the cantilever site area.
Are there any case report citations for implant supported cantilever bridge replacing two maxillary central incisors?
How to clean a cantilever dental implant
Dear Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation,
I have a single-tooth cantilever dental implant to replace my upper right back tooth. I have had this implant for 5-8 years. I have never received any specific instructions for how to clean a cantilever implant (or, specific instructions on how to clean any implant). Can you direct me to a good source (or sources) of information on cleaning a cantilever implant?
Thank you for your attention.
Sidney Nau
Kansas City, Missouri
Dear Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation,
I have a single-tooth cantilever dental implant to replace my upper right back tooth. I have had this implant for 5-8 years. I have never received any specific instructions for how to clean a cantilever implant (or, specific instructions on how to clean any implant). Can you direct me to a good source (or sources) of information on cleaning a cantilever implant?
Thank you for your attention.
Sidney Nau
Kansas City, Missouri