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Treatment guides


Key points

  • 骨量が少ない場合や歯槽骨の形態が不適切な場合は、インプラント埋入前に骨造成術を行う必要があります。
  • 骨欠損の形態に応じて、水平的または垂直的移植術を行います。
  • より正確に診断するため、3次元CTの施行が推奨されます。
  • インプラント埋入に利用できる骨量が少ない場合は、ショートインプラント、歯牙支持型3ユニットブリッジ、矯正等の代替治療または無治療を検討します。

Digital Textbooks

Common causes of alveolar defects include bone resorption due to loss of teeth, infection, trauma, or congenital origin. There may be insufficient height or width of residual bone to permit the placement of dental implants, making bone grafting a requirement prior to implant placement. Without grafting, the implants would have to be placed in anatomically unfavorable locations or have adverse angulations. These locations/angulations compromise can lead to esthetic dissatisfaction, mechanical overload and possibly increase the potential for implant loss.
Compared to other areas of the oral cavity, the maxillary posterior edentulous region can present its own set of unique challenges when it comes to dental implant therapy. For example, following extraction of posterior teeth, the bone around the extraction sites undergoes resorption. As bone resorbs, the soft tissue architecture also changes to reflect the loss of underlying foundational bone.
Preservation of the peri-implant hard and soft tissues is an important aspect of the final esthetic result achieved with a single implant and its crown. Therefore, it is important to understand the biologic environment and the many factors that can enhance or detract from preservation when an implant is immediately placed into an extraction socket and a provisional crown attached to the implant.

