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Treatment guides


Key points

  • ノーベルバイオケアのポステリア・ソリューションに使用する製品はノーベルバイオケア社独自のものです。
  • 同システムの活用により、即時埋入および暫間補綴物の準備が整います。
  • 適切な治癒後、軟組織プロファイルを獲得し、最終補綴物を最適化します。

Digital Textbooks

However, because mandibular molars have mesiodistal dimensions and maxillary molars have faciolingual dimensions that average between 10.0 and 11.0 mm, the potential for overloading an implant-supported restoration is greater with molars than it is with premolars as mentioned previously. In fact, some molar spaces have a 12.0 mm mesiodistal dimension. Therefore, when a 4.0 mm diameter implant is used, even with a well-contoured crown, the crown dimensions will reach the limits of the recommended lateral extension. Additionally, if the implant is not centered beneath the restoration’s occlusal surface, the occlusal loading forces can be greater and may overload the abutment screw or the implant itself
Because the average mesiodistal dimension of maxillary and mandibular premolars is 7.0 to 7.5 mm, it is unlikely that occlusal overload will occur (Figure 5) even when a 4.0 mm implant is not precisely centered beneath the crown. However, because mandibular molars have mesiodistal dimensions and maxillary molars have faciolingual dimensions that average between 10.0 and 11.0 mm, the potential for overload is much greater than with premolars.

In fact, some molar spaces have a 12.0 mm mesiodistal dimension and, therefore, with a 4.0 mm diameter implant even a well-contoured crown will reach the limits of the recommended lateral extension.

Additionally, if the implant is not centered beneath the restoration’s occlusal surface, the occlusal loading forces can be greater and may overload of the abutment screw or implant.

