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Treatment guidelines

Implant insertion torque

Key points

  • The insertion torque is one objective measure that reflects the primary implant stability.
  • The insertion torque value for a given jaw bone quality may be “manipulated” with the use of an adapted surgery technique.
  • The insertion torque has a great impact on the chosen loading protocol, i.e. either one-stage surgery with early/immediate loading or two-stage surgery with a classic/prolonged healing period.

Digital Textbooks

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
Endosseous root form implant surgery involves a series of steps that systematically results in the placement of a dental implant. The process typically includes presurgical discussion and instructions, a soft tissue incision, preparation of the bony osteotomy site using progressively larger drills, threading (tapping) the bone when placing implants into dense bone, implant placement itself, cover screw placement, suturing when a soft tissue flap is needed, postsurgical patient instructions, and follow-up care.
eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
Over the past 20 years there have been significant changes from the original Brånemark implant treatment protocols. Perhaps foremost has been immediate implant placement at the time of extraction which has become a viable treatment method. In addition, barrier membranes and grafting materials have been successfully used in conjunction with the immediate placement to augment extraction sockets and bony defects adjacent to immediately-placed implants.


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