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Treatment guidelines

Local history

Key points

  • Cause for the missing tooth. Aplasia may indicate inadequate development of the alveolar crest, trauma or severe periodontitis may imply persistent severe bony defects. Time of tooth loss.
  • Clinical/radiographic evaluation of the oral health state, condition of all teeth and gingiva/mucosa. Do not focus on the tooth gap solely and make sure that the implant is placed in a healthy environment.
  • Consider general health of patient, medication, allergies. Consider patient´s expectations.

Digital Textbooks

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
Achieving your intended outcome with endosseous implant therapy requires careful planning and execution of both the surgical and prosthodontic aspects of treatment. Seamless integration of these two phases of care is vital. Attaining your final treatment outcome typically is based on a number of factors: a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, obtaining the required records, a thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations inherent in both the surgical and prosthodontic phases of different treatment options, developing and communicating a definitive treatment plan to the patient, and patient acceptance of that treatment plan.


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