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Treatment guides


Key points

  • 患者様の評価と診断が終了したら、治療計画作成を開始する前に、どのような治療を行うかを全関係者間で決定、合意しなければなりません。
  • 患者様が意思決定を行うためには、インプラント以外の治療法を含め、可能な治療法の選択肢について十分な情報を提供する必要があります。

Digital Textbooks

A thorough and organized presentation of the information related to a patient’s treatment facilitates their acceptance of the treatment. The presentation should be made when there is sufficient time to answer questions and make the patient feel they are receiving 100 percent attention.
A written informed consent is a legally necessary document that must be signed by the patient, the clinician, and a third party before treatment begins in the United States. The information presented below serves as examples of the items discussed during a presurgical discussion with patients so they can provide informed consent prior to undergoing dental implant treatment.

