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Treatment guides


Key points

  • インプラント治療を行う場合、審美ゾーンに関しては、リップラインおよびスマイルラインが重要な診断要因となります。臼歯部に関しては、リップラインおよびスマイルラインの高さには、さほど影響を受けません。
  • 前歯部の補綴を行う場合、歯肉の露出を伴うハイリップラインおよびハイスマイルラインの患者は、審美性の獲得に技術的困難を要します。

Digital Textbooks

Achieving your intended outcome with endosseous implant therapy requires careful planning and execution of both the surgical and prosthodontic aspects of treatment. Seamless integration of these two phases of care is vital. Attaining your final treatment outcome typically is based on a number of factors: a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, obtaining the required records, a thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations inherent in both the surgical and prosthodontic phases of different treatment options, developing and communicating a definitive treatment plan to the patient, and patient acceptance of that treatment plan.
The most important step in treatment planning for immediate implant placement into extraction sockets is determining the prognosis for the dentition, and, in particular, the prognosis of the teeth. While there have been discussions on the need for criteria on when to extract teeth, there are no specific guidelines on this subject.

