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Treatment guidelines

Patient expectations

Key points

  • The most important goal of treatment is to meet or exceed patient expectations.
  • In case of unmet expectations patients will be more understanding of the circumstances if the dentist has shown true caring for the patient.

Digital Textbooks

eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
A thorough and organized presentation of the information related to a patient’s treatment facilitates their acceptance of the treatment. The presentation should be made when there is sufficient time to answer questions and make the patient feel they are receiving 100 percent attention.
eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
Before actually proposing any treatment, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive examination to arrive at an appropriate diagnosis for each patient. In this way you are more likely to ensure the requirements for the successful placement of a dental implant, when proposed to the patient, are present beforehand, so both your and your patient’s expectations can be met.
eBook: Single Implants and their Restoration
Single implants and their restoration
Overall, the study patients generally expected to encounter more problems than they actually experienced. After surgical implant placement, the patients evaluated their satisfaction with surgery. The overall satisfaction score was 5.96 out of a maximum positive score of 7, indicating a high level of satisfaction with surgery and the results achieved.


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