The lecture reviews the treatment plan and workflow for fixed prosthetic restorations of edentulous arches. The diagnostic planning before the implant surgery can be tested e.g. with provisional diagnostic dentures. Highlighting with a patient case, Dr Euwe explains how a screw...
The lecture summarizes the development of implant-based treatment options for edentulous indications over time until the most up-to-date treatment techniques, like zygomatic implants, the All-on-4 technique, digital diagnostics and treatment planning and guided surgery procedures...
The lecture reviews the parameters for soft tissue management around implants. The implant insertion depth targets to place the implants in relationship to the future free gingival margin, influenced by the implant design such as connection type, platform shift and size discrepancy...
Dr Bedrossian presents a patient case with the clinical findings: loss of posterior support, primary periodontal disease, secondary occlusal trauma, CR MI (centric relation to maximum intercuspation) slide of 2 mm, tardive dyskinesia, labial incompetence, and discusses his...
Incision can be made either on top of the crest or at some distance in the labial fold. The outcome for both approaches seems comparable. A sagittal release incision at the midline eases the reflection of the labial mucoperiosteum. It is logical to try to achieve...
The tradition to insert 6 implants, and eventually more, in an arch-wide pattern dates back to the early days of osseointegration when implants with a machined surface were used and risk for early...
Advantages of abutment-supported prostheses are 1) When implants are not parallel to each other, the use of angulated abutments can "correct" for the non-parallelism 2) Angulated abutments are available for a screw-retained prosthesis and 3) Custom abutments can be...
A 67-year-old male patient with the lateral incisor who had to be extracted due to a transverse fracture right below the crown. The patient opted for a delayed implant placement with immediate provisionalization.
A 34-year-old male patient presented with the central incisor severely damaged, it had to be extracted. A socket preservation approach was chosen and an implant was placed following a delayed placement protocol with a connective tissue graft.
Where would we be without the gift of dental implants today ? In light of a growing elderly population, Dr Fenton presents a journey through treatment of edentulous patients from the pre-implant times in dentistry till today's advanced options and future advances and opportunities...
A 28-year-old female patient was referred by an endodontist. The root showed signs of resorption and a long-term survival was questionable. The tooth had to be removed and an immediate implant with an adjacent muco-gingival surgery was placed.
The open tray technique for making a definitive impression is one of two choices (the other being a closed tray impression) in the fabrication of a fixed complete denture. The open tray technique is specifically indicated, when the implants are not...
At this appointment, the prosthesis framework is evaluated for accuracy of fit, appropriate contour to faciltate oral hygiene access and the necessary balance of structural morphology for rigidity/strength and sufficient space to...
Placement of a provisional prosthesis takes place by attaching the conversion denture (either patient's exisiting prosthesis or a new conversion denture) to the implants or to implant abutments. The provisional prosthesis can be...
The trial placement appointment is a significant one for successful edentulous patient care. It will be the first time that dentist and patient can see what has been created in the laboratory; and a decision will then be one...