A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for restoring edentulous jaws.
A multi-disciplinary review of key evidence-based principles and clinical treatment steps for replacing the single tooth.
Designed by leading clinicians, the FOR Safety Checklists help reduce human errors and their consequences.
The checklists on peri-implant tissue health support you in the anamnesis and diagnostic assessment of peri-implant tissue condition and in the treatment options and decisions for affected peri-implant tissue. They also allow concise monitoring of tissue conditions over time.
主要负责人:护士/牙科助理 时间:一天结束时 地点:手术室 备注:该表针对一间手术室(不是一名患者);每天只需填写一次
主要负责人:临床医师/手术医师或护士/牙科助理 时间:手术前 地点:手术室椅旁