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eBooks and ePapers

Collagen Whitepaper

Authors Jay Malmquist, Todd V. Scantlebury and R. Gilbert Triplett clarify, understand, compare and further define collagen and collagen biomaterials by outlining the history, differences in collagen types, shapes, composition and fabrication. 



Treatment of the severely atrophic maxilla - Immediate Function Episode 5

Prof Paulo Maló, Dr Rubén Davó and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed maxilla. Learn about the importance of the patient's quality of life through oral rehabilitation of a severely resorbed maxilla.

Diagnosis & treatment planning
Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


The severely atrophic mandible - Immediate Function episode 4

Prof Paulo Malo, Dr. Andrew Dawood and the expert panel discuss digital planning and treatment options for the severely resorbed mandible with <5mm of bone. Learn approaches that aid patient safety and help avoid injury to the inferior alveolar nerve.

Diagnosis & treatment planning
Implant surgery


Treatment of the atrophic maxilla with soft bone - Immediate Function Episode 3

Paulo Malo, Enrico Agliardi and the expert panel discuss a patient with failing esthetics, failing teeth, and a failing prosthesis. Follow his comprehensive assessment and the surgical and prosthetic protocol to restore dignity, esthetics, and function. 

Edentulous rehabilitation
Implant prosthetics

eBooks and ePapers

EBook: Implant Fixed Complete Dentures

Now fully released, this ebook provides chapter by chapter journey through the multiple aspects of the required planning and treatment of patients who need a fixed complete denture and associated crowns to fully restore their oral well-being. 



Edentulous rehabilitation
Diagnosis & treatment planning
Implant surgery

Scientific posters

Clinical performance of anodized abutments and gradually anodized implant surface

Novel anodized abutment and gradually anodized implant surfaces are designed to optimize mucointegration and osseointegration. This scientific poster presented at the EAO Congress Digital Days 2020 shows preliminary data on soft tissue health at interim follow-up, prosthetic...

Implant surfaces

Patient cases

Treatment of a fractured root using dynamic navigated surgery by Dr. Luca De Stavola

An 80-year-old female patient presents a fractured root on a distal fixed bridge element in the posterior maxilla. The case is solved with immediate flapless implant placement using dynamic navigated surgery of mesially tilted implants and immediate provisionalization.

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery
Immediate implant placement


Immediate Implants Episode 5: Challenges in the Maxilla and Mandible

Examine the challenges of the posterior maxilla and infected sites in the posterior mandible. Dr. Gabor Tepper, moderator Joe Kan and the expert panel discuss IIPP feasibility in these indications. Learn how to get started with immediate implants.

Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Immediate implants Episode 4: Influence of the emergence profile on success

Move from the infra-crestal to the supra-crestal component of the IIPP treatment with Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Martin, moderator Joe Kan and the expert panel. Learn how to address the emergence profile whether provisionalizing at immediate implant placement or after the tissues mature.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Immediate implants Episode 3: How to manage the gap

Dr. Jose Navarro returns to discuss how to manage the gap that occurs between the palatally placed immediate implant and the buccal wall, continuing this series exploring immediate implant placement with moderator Dr. Joseph Kan and the expert panel.

Immediate implant placement
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Anterior implants


Immediate Implants Episode 2: Implant Position

Learn a protocol for immediate implant placement and provisionalization and the science behind it in this episode of The Patient Benefit of Immediate Implants. Edith Groenendijk, Tristan Staas and the expert panel discuss how to manage cases with moderator Joe Kan.

Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Immediate Implants Episode 1: Indications & Diagnosis

Learn the indications, contraindications, assessment and diagnosis of immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the first of a 5-part series on this controversial topic. Moderator Joe Kan, Jose Navarro and the expert panel share many clinical insights. 

Immediate implant placement
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Interested in ceramic implants?

Ceramic implant experts, Markus Blatz, Jens Tartsch and Michael Gahlert discuss the modernization of materials and implant design transforming the reliability of zirconia implants for an established treatment option of today. 

Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Prevention and management of biological complications

Contrasting the ideal clinical situation with peri-implant disease, experts elucidate our understanding of peri-implant disease and its impact. Learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat biological complications in this highly interactive session moderated by France Lambert.

Peri-implant therapy
Prosthetic strategies


Grow your practice with social media

Social media goes beyond marketing yourself and your business, it can be used to educate patients, build your reputation and develop your referral and professional networks.