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Sreenivas Koka: Peri-implantitis: Truths and Myths

Video highlights

  • 動物実験およびリガチャーモデル:臨床的に妥当性のないモデルの使用は不適切である。
  • Osseosufficiencyという概念の考察:患者、臨床医、そしてインプラントの総和がオッセオインテグレーションの促進と不朽に寄与する
  • 機械加工および中等度のラフサーフェスインプラントの科学的データのレビュー、および治療の成功に及ぼす影響について
  • ノーベルバイオケア シンポジウム 2014 - Tokyo にて発表


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26.09.2018 | 05:48

Do you think it is possible to ensure what is mentioned in the video highlights?

Cordial regards Dear Dr. Koka. Upon reading the introductory summary of his presentation, I find that he approves the advantage of the TiUnite surface in relation to peri-implant bone loss and especially in the case of smoking patients. However, when listening to the presentation and especially the topic related to the Osseosufficiency and the current biases of many studies that feed the current scientific evidence, do you think it is possible to ensure what is mentioned in the video highlights? My admiration and respect for your critical analysis. Thank you. A hug.

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Cordial regards Dear Dr. Koka. Upon reading the introductory summary of his presentation, I find that he approves the advantage of the TiUnite surface in relation to peri-implant bone loss and especially in the case of smoking patients. However, when listening to the presentation and especially the topic related to the Osseosufficiency and the current biases of many studies that feed the current scientific evidence, do you think it is possible to ensure what is mentioned in the video highlights? My admiration and respect for your critical analysis. Thank you. A hug.