Zygomatic implants to address prior maxillary implant failure
A 52-year-old female patient came to our department from other center presenting a failure of 6 implants supporting a fixed bridge, after 6 years from their placement. The patient has been aware of the problem for three years (aggressive periimplantitis) and has been looking for a predictable solution since then. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The failing implants were removed and the maxillary bone and the sinus were cleaned (detritus, fibrous tissues…). All the zygomatic implants were inserted at the level of the zygomatic bone and allocated in the maxillary bone. After taking impressions, an acrylic fixed bridge was designed and screwed down on the abutments over the implants. After 4 months of healing, the definitive prosthesis was designed (implant bridge titanium).