Implant placement in a patient with congenitally missing upper lateral incisors
A 40-year-old male patient presented with agenesis of both upper lateral incisors and a Class III skeletal malocclusion. He desired an esthetic rehabilitation in order to close the gap of the missing teeth and achieve a "smile makeover". After a careful preliminary assessment (radiographs, clinical pictures, master casts and a prognosis using the Digital Smile Design approach) the treatment was performed in the following order:
First, orthodontic treatment, then implant placement in region #12 and #22 FDI (#7 and #10 US), ultimately restored with cement-retained full ceramic crowns. Connective tissue graft to optimize the surrounding gingival volume. Dental bleaching and full ceramic restorations on upper canines and upper central incisors - fixed orthodontic retention after treatment completion.