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Alessandro Pozzi: Management of bone and soft tissue integration

The lecture gives insight in how we can deliver naturally looking restorations with highly predictable long-term soft tissue integration, in our daily practice. Preservation of bone crest and soft tissue are supported by a tight implant-abutment connection as a barrier against...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Paulo Malo: Immediate Function: benefits to patient and practice

The presentation gives an insight on the restoration of edentulous situations from both surgical and restorative aspects, with focus on the immediate function protocol and the All-on-4 solution. Dr Malo reviews the indications and contraindications, advantages and benefits as well...
Edentulous treatments
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Aftercare / follow up


Rubén Davó: Zygoma concept

The lecture gives an insight into treatment options for highly resorbed edentulous maxilla cases with zygomatic implants. For cases with almost no maxilla bone available Dr Davo presents the quad technique with 4 zygomatic implants, which depending on the anatomical situation can...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Implant prosthetics


Egon Euwe: The soft tissue challenge: esthetics, health and stability

The lecture discusses the principles for tissue preservation in implant restoration and highlights their importance for the esthetic result. The goal is to create healthy and stable soft tissue framing around the implant and restoration. Dr Euwe presents single implant replacement...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Prosthetic strategies


Egon Euwe: The esthetic upgrade for the edentulous patient

The lecture reviews the treatment plan and workflow for fixed prosthetic restorations of edentulous arches. The diagnostic planning before the implant surgery can be tested e.g. with provisional diagnostic dentures. Highlighting with a patient case, Dr Euwe explains how a screw...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Roland Glauser: Long-term perspective of implant treatment - what's key to success ?

The lecture discusses the importance of healthy soft and hard tissue for long term success with implant treatment, presenting information and long-term data on bone remodeling and giving important insights in the etiology and factors influencing marginal bone reaction. Based on...
Aftercare / follow up
Success & failure


Werner Zechner: Treatment concepts for edentulous patients over time

The lecture summarizes the development of implant-based treatment options for edentulous indications over time until the most up-to-date treatment techniques, like zygomatic implants, the All-on-4 technique, digital diagnostics and treatment planning and guided surgery procedures...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments


Bertil Friberg: Long-term perspective of implant treatment - what have we learned

Dr Friberg covers the long term perspective of treatment with dental implants, ranging from the history of dental implantology and the detection of osseointegration until what has been accomplished till today in implant treatment. The lecture gives insight into treatment protocols...
Implant surfaces

Treatment guidelines



Implant placement with open flap procedure - mandible

The surgeon should be standing or be seated behind the supine patient. Bilateral truncular anesthesia is needed. The incision can be crestal or at a distance in the labial fold. Presence of keratinized tissue both labially and palatally should...

Edentulous treatments
Soft tissue management

Treatment guidelines



Digital treatment planning protocols, introduction

Spiral or Cone Beam CT (CBCT) data sets of the patient jaw bones and of the scan template are transcoded by a specific software to produce three-dimensional (3-D) images of the jaw bones and thickness of the mucosa. Software planning... 

Diagnosis and treatment planning


Peter Woehrle: Esthetics and soft tissue health around implants-outcomes for long-term predictability

The lecture reviews the parameters for soft tissue management around implants. The implant insertion depth targets to place the implants in relationship to the future free gingival margin, influenced by the implant design such as connection type, platform shift and size discrepancy...
Anterior implants
Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations


Edmond Bedrossian: Case presentation: Advanced treatment planning - integrating and applying innovative clinical concepts

Dr Bedrossian presents a patient case with the clinical findings: loss of posterior support, primary periodontal disease, secondary occlusal trauma, CR MI (centric relation to maximum intercuspation) slide of 2 mm, tardive dyskinesia, labial incompetence, and discusses his...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Treatment guidelines



Semi-guided surgery with prosthetic template

Hand-made templates are duplicates obtained from the denture/tooth arrangement with access holes or titanium tubes. These are located in the correct positions and axes of the planned prosthetic teeth according to the CBCT a...

Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments

Treatment guidelines


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Implant placement - maxilla

Incision can be made either on top of the crest or at some distance in the labial fold. The outcome for both approaches seems comparable. A sagittal release incision at the midline eases the reflection of the labial mucoperiosteum. It is logical to try to achieve...

Edentulous treatments
Soft tissue management
Implant prosthetics

Treatment guidelines



Grafting, mandible

In the edentulous lower jaw implant insertion can be limited due to bone resorption processes and the resulting superficial alveolar nerve topography. In the anterior region less than 5-6 mm in height and 6 mm in width requires bone grafting before implant placement...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration