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Treatment guidelines



Framework materials

A commonly used option for fixed restorations is a metal or zirconia framework with ceramic or acrylic veneering. The amount of alveolar bone resorption determines whether teeth or teeth and soft tissue must be replaced...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic materials


Conrad Rensburg: The future is now - the collaborative team approach

A team approach and cooperation between the treatment team is key for treatment success, and lack of collaboration is a potential recipe for complications. Patients have increasing demands and expectations, become more and more informed, and have access to informations to detect co

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Saj Jivraj, Hooman Zarrinkelk: Expanding treatment possibilities using the All-on-4® treatment concept

The All-on-4® concept originally has been developed as a cost effective way to treat edentulous patients with moderately atrophied jaws. Today expanded treatment options have been introduced, and the concept can also be used for highly resorbed situations. There are three simple...
Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments


Laureen Langer: Thirty years of osseointegration in private practice - what have we learned

In this lecture, Dr Langer reviews implant dentistry over a 30 years time frame with almost 40.000 implants placed, and underlining with comprehensive literature support, with a focus on the treatment objectves predictability, beauty and longevity. The lecture discusses aspects of...
Implant designs
Implant surfaces

Treatment guidelines



Comprehensive treatment concepts, Pterygoid implants

In the edentulous upper jaw the placement of implants can be challenging due to limited bone quantity and the presence of the maxillary sinus. Pterygoid implants have high success rates, similar bone loss levels to those of ...

Posterior implants
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Oded Bahat: The relationship between esthetics, continuous craniofacial growth and implant reconstruction in adults - observations, consequences and surgical solutions

In this lecture Dr Bahat discusses facial esthetics, craniofacial ageing, its influence on implant placement and how these parameters interact. Craniofacial changes continue throughout adult life, and vary between genders, and individually between patients. Dr Bahat is reviewing...
Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants


Chandur Wadhwani: Implants, cement and peri-implantitis - science and the missing link

Cementation procedures and materials have been reported to cause complications in implant prosthetics, mainly inflammation around the implant due to cement material excess. Cementation procedures are a complex system, not all the dimensions of which seem to be fully understood and...
Implant prosthetics


Gerard Chiche, Tyler Lasseigne: Esthetic management of implant-supported restorations - providing solutions for optimum success

Underlining with several patient treatment examples, Dr Chiche and Dr Lasseigne lead through their guidelines and esthetic determinants for implant based restorations: Set incisal edge and profile, determine proportions, assess gingival levels, provide canine protection, plan...



Bertil Friberg: The Brånemark Clinic - current research and clinical implications

Based on extensive literature review and clinical resarch at the Gothenburg Brånemark clinic over 3 decades, Dr Friberg is reviewing causes for bone loss in implant treatment, in single, partial and edentulous situations, and discussing the influence of traumatized and ankylotic...
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Early implant placement following single tooth extraction in the esthetic zone

A 35-year-old male patient with hopeless tooth #12 FDI (#7 US) had to be extracted. The implant was placed with the early loading approach combined with a GBR procedure to restore the missing buccal bone wall.
Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration


Yoshihiro Goto: Oral rehabilitation of amelogenesis imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a very challenging situation for both patient and clinician. Besides malformation of the enamel layer and tooth discoloration, AI often shows other severe symptoms such as teeth impaction, root malformation and severy malocclusion. For the...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Joseph Kan: The science and biology of immediate implant placement and tooth rehabilitation in anterior region

Immediate implant and tooth replacement have become a viable treatment option for replacing failing maxillary anterior teeth. However, potential challenges such as implant and esthetic complications may be encountered. The presentation focuses on on the current science...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Joseph Kan: Evidence-based immediate tooth replacement

Dr Kan leads through a journey on immediate implant placement from both a surgical and prosthetic point of view, discussing aspects of soft and hard tissue condition, interaction of implant size, diameter, position and socket form, influences of crestal bone condition and biologic...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Rudolf Fürhauser: Navigierte Ästhetik nach augmentativen Massnahmen

Für ein ästhetisches Endergebnis und einen harmonischen und symmetrischen Weichgewebsverlauf ist die korrekte dreidimensionale Implantatposition von entscheidender Bedeutung. Zu weit buccal gesetzte Implantate führen notwendigerweise zu einem inadäquaten Emergenzprofil mit apikaler...


Iñaki Gamborena: Esthetics in the anterior region

Sufficient soft tissue volume and natural scalloping contour is key for esthetic success. Dr Gamborena is discussing aspects of soft tissue management criteria, innovative connective tissue graft and healing abutment design, and related flap, suturing and restorative considerations...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Prosthetic strategies