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FOR Symposium: To graft or not to graft

Dr Ana Ferro, Dr Edith Groenendijk and Dr Tara Aghaloo discuss the question "To graft or not to graft". Which situations can benefit from a grafting procedure? The experts discuss indications in depth, review clinical cases and the clinical evidence to answer this key question. 

Bone grafting and regeneration
Immediate implant placement

Scientific posters

Bone Regeneration of Horizontal Defects: 1 year clinical study

GBR is preferred in the treatment of alveolar ridge defects to provide sufficient bone for implant placement. Dr Zoran Aleksic, Dr Marko Magic (FOR Emerging Leader), and colleagues present this clinical study evaluating bone volume after GBR and survival and success of implants...

Posterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration


Treatment of Peri-Implantitis - Electrolytic Cleaning

Dr Sebastian Pohl presents the original case report at the European Association of Osseointegration Digital Days 2021. The case report shows the combination of electrolytic cleaning of an implant and GBR.

Peri-implant therapy

Patient cases

Multiple gingival recessions treated using the tunnel technique with a collagen matrix

Numerous techniques have been described for root coverage such as CAF (coronally advanced flap), pedunculated flaps, free gingival grafts and the tunnel technique, using either the simple flap or xenografts, allografts or autologous connective grafts, depending on the clinical case

Hard & soft tissue management


Immediate implants Episode 3: How to manage the gap

Dr. Jose Navarro returns to discuss how to manage the gap that occurs between the palatally placed immediate implant and the buccal wall, continuing this series exploring immediate implant placement with moderator Dr. Joseph Kan and the expert panel.

Immediate implant placement
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Anterior implants


Immediate Implants Episode 1: Indications & Diagnosis

Learn the indications, contraindications, assessment and diagnosis of immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the first of a 5-part series on this controversial topic. Moderator Joe Kan, Jose Navarro and the expert panel share many clinical insights. 

Immediate implant placement
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Prevention and management of biological complications

Contrasting the ideal clinical situation with peri-implant disease, experts elucidate our understanding of peri-implant disease and its impact. Learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat biological complications in this highly interactive session moderated by France Lambert.

Peri-implant therapy
Prosthetic strategies

Patient cases

Treatment of multiple gingival recessions

A patient with multiple maxilla recessions, all attributable to an incongruous brushing complaining of an aesthetic deficit and radicular sensitivity. Composite reconstructions were performed in surgical procedures prior to surgery and collagen membrane.

Soft tissue management


Spotlight on surface innovations

Speakers: Eric Rompen, Tomas Albrektsson, Arturo Lobell, Tidu Mankoo, Cristiano Susin and Giorgio Tabanella.

Why develop new implant and abutment surfaces? This lecture focuses on providing answers to this question.

Immediate implant placement
Soft tissue management
Implant surfaces

Patient cases

Soft tissue management around implant with SCTG and slim healing abutment

A 27-year-old female patient presented to the dental practice with a missing tooth in position 35# FDI and a vestibular volume deficit in correspondance to the missing element.

A NobelReplace® CC NP implant was used in conjuction with a SCTG and a slim healing abutment.



Giacomo Fabbri: New anodized surfaces designed for tissue integration at every level

Dr. Fabbri discusses the benefits of the new TiUltra and Xeal. He explains the concept of mucointegration and the clinical benefits it offers. This idea of combining the benefits of the On1 abutment with the new surface allows undisturbed soft tissue healing with mucointegration. 

Implant surfaces
Prosthetic strategies
Implant concepts

Patient cases

Gingival recession coverage with a xenogenic collagen matrix

 A 37-year-old patient, non-smoker and with absence of relevant systemic pathologies presented to the dental office with an esthetic gingival deficit and dentinal sensibility of the elements #16, #22, #24, #25 and #26 FDI (#3, #10, #12, #13, #14 and #15 US).

Soft tissue management

Scientific posters

Soft tissue augmentation with a collagen-based 3D matrix

Autologous soft tissue grafts are common but pose several disadvantages, including the need for multiple surgical sites, postsurgical discomfort, and limited tissue volumes, which has led to the development of alternatives. This retrospective study evaluated clinical performance of...

Hard & soft tissue management
Soft tissue management
Anterior hard & soft tissue management

Patient cases

Maxillary central incisor: Immediate implant placement and periodontal plastic surgery

A 37-year-old female patient presented with 5mm periodontal pocket in right central incisor with moderate periodontal inflammation. After CBCT scan was discovered external root resorption in the buccal aspect which condemned this element.

Esthetic zone prosthetics
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Luigi Canullo: Missing links in aetiology and treatment chain of peri-implantitis

Dr. Canullo focuses on the triggering factors and etiology of peri-implantitis. He discusses the missing links between non-surgical, resective, and regenerative treatment of peri-implantitis and long-term results.

Implant surfaces
Complications & long-term success