Screw retained fixed partial restorations over implants in a young patient diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia.
A 18-year-old female patient diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia at a young age. She presented: 10 aplasias in the upper jaw, 11 aplasias in the lower jaw, 14 Primary teeth persisting, 6 in the upper jaw and 8 in the lower jaw, low smile line, deep bite, overerupted upper central incisors, and small apical base.
Going through her puberty with removable prostheses the patient now asks to start implant treatment in the upper jaw.
The surgical solution was: extraction of primary teeth with simultaneous bone augmentation, wait for 4 months healing period. Implant placement regio #13, #14, #15, #23, #24, #25 FDI (#6, #5, #4, #11, #12, #13 US). Then 6 months healing period, abutment surgery with the connection of angulated and straight Multi-Unit Abutments (MUA).
During the restorative treatment plan for the provisional phase was: Elbrecht stent. And in the definitive solution: Nobel Procera ®Implant fixed partial denture Zirconia 1st and 2nd quadrant. IPS e.max Press crowns #11 and #21 FDI (#8 and #9 US).
Evaluation & Diagnosis
1/4Treatment Planning
1/9Progress & Completion
1/25Follow-Up & Outcome
Ask a questionGreat work mam.. I am a prosthetic residents I too have a case like this.. I will try to follow as you did in this case..
The patient can't afford for full arch..
I will also try to do only maxilla like you mam! Thank you!
The patient can't afford for full arch..
I will also try to do only maxilla like you mam! Thank you!
wonderful case .... what was the plan for lower arch ? and was there any marginal bone loss on the rigth side ? thanx
In reply to wonderful case .... what was the plan for lower arch ? and was there any marginal bone loss on the rigth side ? thanx by Abdulmounem Algellay
Thank you for your question and I am glad you liked the case. The plan for the lower arch is not decided yet. The options are either distsl onlays and a frontal bridge or distal onlays and frontal Implants. I get mixed messages from the surgeons if it is possible to bone augment the thin, compact bone in the anterior mandibulae or not.
Which part of the right side to you refer to when you ask about the marginal bone loss?
Best regards,