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Torsten Jemt


Board certified Prosthodontist, Brånemark Clinic, Public Dental Health Service of Västra Götaland, Sweden.
Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry/Dental Material Science, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dr Jemt started collaboration with Professor P-I Brånemark in 1978, and was involved in the development of the first single implant abutments, and CAD/CAM titanium frameworks. He received a PhD in Prosthodontics in 1984 and he co-founded the Brånemark Clinic in Gothenburg in 1986. Dr Jemt was chairman of the clinic between 2000 and 2009 and currently he holds a combined scientific position at the Faculty of Odontology as a Professor and as a clinical scientific coordinator. Dr. Jemt has published over 150 scientific publications and lectured worldwide since 1983.

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Torsten Jemt:单齿种植修复的长期经验

本次讲座中深入了解了Branemark诊所在超过30年的时期内对超过8000名患者进行的将近40000起种植手术的牙科种植治疗领域的经验。首个开发阶段专注于美学和螺丝接合,标准化的临床方案开发以及不同的临床状况中预先加工和个性化的组件。Jemt博士回顾了单种植体修复的长期经验并报告声称故障发生率较低。2002年从机加工到中等粗糙的植入物表面(TiUnite)的变化极大地降低了早期植入的失败率,特别是在上颌骨的案例中。 Jemt医生探讨了骨整合是一种患有慢性炎症的异物反应,可能导致肥厚软组织反应(突起开发)和在长时间内植入干涉。