Emil Svoboda
I am a University of Toronto Graduate after earning a PhD in Periodontal Physiology and becoming a dentist in 1982. I am in private practice and have placed and restored thousands of dental implants. Over the last 4 years, in addition to practicing dentistry, I have researched the installation of implant prosthetics and its impact on treatment complications. Through original research, I have investigated the flow of cement during the process of intra-oral cementation. I have discovered and described the effects of margin design and position, and the effect of adjacent gingiva on the flow of excess cement as it leaves the margins of the prosthesis. This effect is relevant to both the restoration of natural teeth and dental implants.
This has led to new designs and installation protocols that promise to reduce or eliminate the implant-abutment misfits, residual subgingival cement and cement voids that can occur during prosthesis installation. Extrapolated from the work of Wilson 2009, this work can lead to a reduction of treatment complications by 60%, whether one chooses to install their implant prosthetics by screw or cement. My work is ongoing.
This has led to new designs and installation protocols that promise to reduce or eliminate the implant-abutment misfits, residual subgingival cement and cement voids that can occur during prosthesis installation. Extrapolated from the work of Wilson 2009, this work can lead to a reduction of treatment complications by 60%, whether one chooses to install their implant prosthetics by screw or cement. My work is ongoing.