Fixed-removable overdenture supported by a customized Ti-bar on 4 implants: 3-year prospective study
An implant bar overdenture (IBO) is a safe and cost-effective treatment option for fully edentulous patients offering better stability and retention compared to conventional dentures (1,2). Individualized IBO affords convenient cleaning typical of fixed-removable prostheses (3) together with the advantages of fixed prostheses (4), such as high masticatory comfort and natural-sounding phonetics.
The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and radiological performance of customized CAD/CAM implant-supported IBOs in fully edentulous patients after 3 years of function.
Key Results
- At 3 years, the cumulative implant and prosthesis survival rates were 99.3% and 100%, respectively.
- After initial remodeling, the marginal bone levels remained stable with the mean ΔMBL of -1.35±1.54mm (n=157) at the 3-year follow-up with no significant difference between maxillary vs. mandibular implants (p=0.2).
- Biologic and technical complications were observed in 25 and 31 patients, respectively.
- Oral health-related quality of life improved significantly from prosthetic delivery to all follow-up visits (all p<0.001), while clinician’s functional and esthetic satisfaction scores were both high, with the mean score above 9.2 at the 3-year follow up.

Presented at 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO Uniting Nations through Innovations), 29 September to 1 October 2022. (Sep 2022) EAO-701/PO-65
Pozzi A, Stellini E, Heydecke G, Romeo E, Behneke A, Behneke N, Ottria L, Ferrari M, Meloni S. EAO-701 /PO-65 | Fixed-removable overdenture supported by a customized Ti-bar on 4 implants: 3-year prospective study. In Special Issue: Uniting Nations through Innovations by the European Association for Osseointegration 28 September-1 October 2022, Clin Oral Impl Res; Vol 33 (S24): 112-113
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