00:00 - 01:39
Management of a failing implant in the estthetic zone
01:39 - 06:32
Rootmimetics, a post-extraction protocol for a long-term results?
06:32 - 13:06
The protruding socket theory
13:06 - 19:53
Implant removal or retrivable implant: when, how and why?
19:53 - 20:44
20:44 - 21:27
- 6 Community questions
Egon Euwe: Biologic rationale for management of the terminal or retrieved implant. Determinants of maintaining or retrieving an ailing implant
Video highlights
- Analysis of the causes of dental implant complications
- Prevention of dental implant complications
- Biologics around implants - give the bone the chance to survive. General session.
- Nobel Biocare New York Global Symposium 2016
Is a failing implant a red flag scenario in the learning curve?
With the explosive penetration of implantology in the dental community, we are more often confronted with complications and failing implants. Corrections and re-treatment are difficult and time consuming. Inadequate soft tissue quality and quantity, wrong case selection, implant type or position and surgical trauma lead to compromised esthetics, excessive bone loss mucosites andsubsequently peri-implant disease and the biologic failure of the implant. Showing a number of “real life “cases of this category with their clinical follow-up, treatment solutions as well as prevention is the didactical pinnacle of this portion of this lecture.
Dr.Egon Euwe obtained his degree in 1982 at the University of Utrecht in Holland. Since 1986 his main interests in the dental field have been periodontics and oral implantology. Dr. Euwe followed postgraduate courses under Dr. Sascha Jovanovic at UCLA. He became a member of the UCLA European Study Club and in January of 1997 this group presented him with an award for the "Best Clinical-Scientific Presentation". He and his prosthodontist and lab technician won first and second prize in two categories in the international competition run by the "Parallelometro d'oro 1999" (Dental Labor Journal). Dr. Euwe is a frequent international lecturer and coauthor of several scientific publications. He was involved in the Department of Periodontics of the University of Milan at the San Paolo Hospital where he did clinical research on resorption of newly formed bone. He worked with Prof. Massimo Simion in the Department of Periodontology at Milan University. Dr. Euwe is a Global Faculty Member of the Global Institute for Dental Education (gIDE) and an active member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED).
please explain about socket theory and anatomical and configuration in socket for example degree of protrusion 2-60
please answer me about the degree of protrusion of socket 2-60
and effect of anatomical or configuration of the socket
warm regards
please answer me about the degree of protrusion of socket 2-60
and effect of anatomical or configuration of the socket
warm regards