00:00 - 03:19
The All-on-4 concept and scientific bases for immediate loading
03:19 - 15:41
Diagnostically driven treatment planning: restorative and surgical considerations
15:41 - 21:10
Nobel Active implant system and restorative components
21:20 - 24:55
Mandibular and maxillary surgical protocols
24:55 - 29:14
Double arch surgical rehabilitation for patient with terminal dentition
29:14 - 33:36
The benefits of the All-on-4 procedure
33:36 - 36:05
- 7 Community questions
Anthony Sclar: Managing the terminal / failing dentition - the All-on-4® treatment concept
Video highlights
- When there are multiple solutions to a problem, choose the simplest one
- Advantages of the All-on-4® treatment concept for patients and dental practice
- Benefits of tilted implants
- Discussion of specific concerns of patient with failing dentition
- Treatment protocols for mandible and maxilla
- AO 2015 San Francisco presentation
The All-on-4® treatment concept is a proven treatment protocol that provides optimal support for an implant bridge with 4 implants even with minimum available bone volume. The lecture discusses the All-on-4® treatment concept under the failing dentition point of view and reviews important diagnostic, surgical and prosthetic aspects, both from a patient and practice perspective. Highlights of this session include restorative and radiographic evaluation, strategies to transfer the failing dentition to complete implant supported restorations, aspects of tilted implant placement, surgical considerations and bone reduction, described and highlighted with several patient case examples.