Immediate implant placement in maxillary molar site
Treatment was accomplished according to the treatment planning objectives. The molar was removed, preserving the buccal plate and there was sufficient bone to place an implant in an optimal restorative position. Dental history and oral findings: No observable findings on palpation of the lymph nodes, palpation of floor of mouth, tongue, cheeks or unusual finding in floor of the mouth, or hard and soft palate. Patient has generalized periodontal probings of 2-3mm with 5 mm probings on the maxillary left first molar. The maxillary first and second bicuspids and first molar have had endodontic therapy. There is 2-3mm of recession on the facial aspects from the mandibular left lateral incisor to the right mandibular incisor. There was slight bleeding on probing. There are full crowns on the maxillary right first and second bicuspids and first and second molars. She has a class I occlusion and clicking in the left temporo-mandibular joint, with pain on percussion.