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Treatment guidelines



Skeletal consequences of edentulism

Teeth loss in the maxilla initiates residual ridge/alveolar resorption, especially in the anterior region, which is flared labially. The consequences of this resorption is a gradual medial or palatal shift of the crest of the maxilla. This...

Patient assessment


The East Coast experience: The zygomatic solution – should it be the first choice?

The atrophic maxilla presents a significant challenge to the surgical and restorative team. Patients seek a long- term solution in the restoration of function, esthetics, and ultimately their quality of life. Prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with severe maxillary bone...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Alessandro Pozzi: NobelGuide protocol

Highlighting with several patient cases and clinical videos, and underlining with literature data, Dr Pozzi explains the workflow principles and advantages when using guided surgery protocols and provides tips and tricks for optimizing soft tissue management and esthetic outcome...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Chandur Wadhwani: Restorative-driven implant health – what you need to know. Healing abutment to final restoration.

The success of the dental implant is intimately related to how the soft tissues respond prior to, during, and after restoration. The restoring clinician is involved with all these aspects and must fully understand the consequences of his or her choices and actions. Soft-tissue heal

Prosthetic strategies


Sanda Moldovan: Peri-implant maintenance of the full-arch prosthesis

The biggest disappointment for patients and practitioners is failure of dental implants. One of the most overlooked parts of implant therapy is hygiene and a robust peri- implant maintenance program. Recognizing early signs of peri-mucositis and resolving the inflammation in its...

Prosthetic strategies


Daniel Fang: Implant provisional restorations

Implant provisional restorations are the business card of the esthetic dentist. Postextraction tissue resorption and remodeling is inevitable. Dr. Fang explains that the tissue remodeling can be compensated by preserving the tissue through immediate implant placement and...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Implant placement in a patient with congenitally missing upper lateral incisors

A 40-year-old male patient presented with agenesis of both upper lateral incisors and a Class III skeletal malocclusion. The treatment selected was: Orthodontic treatment, Implant placement #12 and #22 FDI  (#7 and #10 US).

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Stefan Holst: How components facilitate and support long-term success - implant and prosthetic solutions and requirements

This lecture focuses on the key parameters to be considered when placing implants: comprehensive pre-treatment planning, selecting the appropriate implant design, achieving sufficient primary stability and assessing any additional, site-specific needs. Dr. Holst reviews the implant...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Prosthetic strategies


Saj Jivraj: The All-on-4® concept - restorative considerations

Dr Jivraj guides through a comprehensive and instructive review of the restorative considerations for the All-on-4® concept. The lecture covers general considerations of the All-on4 concept and aspects of biomechanics, restoration design, space considerations, materials used...
Edentulous treatments
Minimally invasive procedures
Implants in compromised sites


Eric Rompen: How to optimize transmucosal health and maintain tissues in the posterior region

To maintain transmucosal health and tissue stability a main objective is to avoid apical migration of peri-implant tissues, and thus to prevent pocket formation, inflammation and bone loss. Dr Rompen discusses the clinical and material aspects which play a role for soft tissue...
Soft tissue management
Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials

Patient cases

Immediate implant placement in the molar region with an alternative osteotomy approach

A 25-year-old female patient presented a deep undermining carious lesion on the lingual surface of the endodontically treated tooth, solved by an immediate implant placement procedure using the “pre-extractive interradicular implant bed preparation” technique.

Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants


Andrew Bock & Thomas Wade: Treatment planning the edentulous arch in the 3D digital planning era – engineering for success

This presentation will examine the state-of-the-art approach to utilizing a CT scan in conjunction with a 3D digital planning software. Using these techniques, clinicians are able to achieve maximum prosthetic success by reverse engineering from the occlusal plane of properly...

Digital workflow


Chandur Wadhwani: The impact of cement, its techniques and protocols for long term outcomes

Residual cement is considered a main causal risk factor for peri-implant disease. Cement remnants causing microbial activity, immune reaction, allergic response, activation of titanium surface may be the route by which bone is lost around implants. Dr Wadhwani discusses the...
Implant prosthetics
Fixed prosthetics

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Dentogingival complex and biologic width

The peri-implant mucosa consists of an externally located keratinized oral epithelium, which is connected to the peri-implant junctional epithelium facing the abutment. The latter extends approximately 2 mm apical to the...

Soft tissue management

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Patient communication requirements

The process of informed consent requires a thorough communication between healthcare professional and patient. The communication should minimally comprise...

Patient assessment
Preoperative procedures