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Charles Goodacre: The impact of cervical contour, marginal fit, and surface smoothness on peri-implant mucosa

Correcting adverse soft tissue responses around crowns requires specific cervical contours coupled with surface smoothness and marginal fit.  This presentation will show how these morphologic principles have been used to correct adverse gingival reactions with crowns on natural tee...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Gerard Chiche: The evolution of aesthetic possibilities based on zirconia.


In this presentation, emphasis will be placed on clinical situations that are best served aesthetically with zirconia. While the main advantage of zirconia is its mechanical strength, it is possible to design the restoration to maximize its esthetic potential and also to blend it...

Prosthetic materials
Implant prosthetics


Inaki Gamborena: Screw- or cement-retained restorations. A biologic point of view.

This lecture will focus on the biologic criteria when it comes to restoring anterior implants using as an alternative a screw or cement retained restoration. The main problematic aspect for the cemented implant restoration will be discussed widely with different clinical examples...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Rudolf Fürhauser: The Pink Esthetic Score in monitoring peri-implant soft tissue stability in single tooth implants according different treatment protocols.

Pink Esthetic Score assesses 7 soft tissue variables, it allows for reproducible assessments of peri-implant soft tissue around single tooth implants (Gehrke 2009). Different treatment modalities can be compared, flapless procedures show better outcomes than flapped procedures...

Digital workflow
Immediate implant placement


Michael D. Meyer: Digital diagnostics and efficiency in workflow. What does this mean for final outcomes?

The use of NobelClincian digital diagnostics enables planning full arch dental implant treatments, such as the All-on-4® treatment concept, by beginning with the final prosthetic outcome in mind. This digital precision can reduce risk and improve predictability by allowing the clin...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Donald Clem: The All-on-4® treatment concept from a periodontist's perspective. Why is there a need for bone reduction for many of the patients?

It has been stated that the periodontist's primary role is to maintain the natural dentition in health, function and esthetics. Patients' dentitions can fail for a variety of reasons, periodontal bone loss being only one of them. As periodontal treatment concepts of disease and...

Immediate implant placement


Istvan Urban: Vertical ridge augmentation. Established treatment techniques and materials.

Vertical augmentation presents one of the greatest challenges of bone regeneration in implant dentistry. Patient selection, patient preparation for surgery, precise surgical techniques and postoperative management are the key factors in reducing the rate of bone graft complications...

Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management


Cristiano Susin: Insights into future developments on bone biomaterials and growth factors

Reconstruction of the alveolar ridge has become essential for oral rehabilitation with dental implants. Biomaterials of allogeneic, xenogeneic and synthetic origin have long been used in support of alveolar bone augmentation with mixed results. In the last decade, growth factors...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Robert Marx: Stem cell leased regenerative medicine

Regenerating viable bone capable of gaining implant primary stability is paramount in dental rehabilitation today. This can be achieved without additional morbity by the effective use of autologous adult stem cells in combination with allogenic bone and recombinant human bone...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Paul Rosen: Ridge preservation following tooth extraction. Have treatment protocols changed?

The trend today is to augment after a tooth is extracted to avoid significant loss of ridge volume and shape. Is there an indication for surgical technique and does the literature support this approach? This presentation will compare results from selected studies and systematic...

Immediate implant placement
Bone grafting and regeneration


Giorgio Tabanella: Management of peri-implant soft tissue deformities in the aesthetic zone

Dental implants have evolved dramatically over the last decade, and so have our expectations in terms of function and aesthetics. The augmentation of soft tissue around dental implants for enhancing inter-implant papilla architecture has emerged as an area of much concern and focus...

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Werner Zechner & Bastian Wessing: Simultaneous GBR and implant placement in horizontal ridge augmentations

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a well established technique for horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation. Since the first publications in the early 1980’s extensive research was carried out focusing on different membranes, grafting materials, and timing of implant placement, as...

Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration


Jay Malmquist: Biologic principles for tissue regeneration that must be considered in treatment planning

A guided pathway to success for regenerative solutions must utilize basic biological principles of wound healing and the inflammatory response. Basic principles of biology must not be violated when attempting to replace tissue defects. These principles such as wound healing...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Isabella Rocchietta: Bone graft substitutes and guided bone regeneration in treating alveolar defects. Is something changing?

Appropriate implant positioning requires sufficient volume of bone in the desired position. However, bone volume is frequently lacking as a result of trauma or infectious diseases. Regardless of the numerous surgical techniques described in the literature, which aim at regenerating...

Bone grafting and regeneration
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Mariano Sanz: Soft tissue management as critical success factor in implant based restorations

There is a need for a critical dimension of soft tissue seal protecting the osseointegration (biological width) and a minimum width and thickness of keratinised mucosa surrounding an osseointegrated implant. The standard surgical interventions to treat these conditions need a...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management