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Patient cases

Treatment of a failing maxillary dentition with an implant-supported restoration

A 50-year-old female patient with a strong fear of the dentist. A full-mouth rehabilitation of the maxilla with implants using a surgical guide was performed.

Guided Surgery


Stock and Materials Control

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: At least one week before surgery
Location: Stock room

Preoperative procedures


Administrative Pre-Treatment Consultation

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: After pre-treatment consultation before patient leaves
Location: Consultation room and/or front desk

Preoperative procedures


OR Setup

Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: Morning of the surgery (beginning of the day)
Location: OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory
Comments: Refers to one room (not patient); only performed 1x per day

Preoperative procedures


Patient Pre-Operative Steps

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon or Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: Shortly before surgery
Location: Chairside in OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory

Preoperative procedures


Clinical Post-Operative Steps

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon
Timing: Immediately after completion of surgery
Location: Chairside in OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory

Aftercare / follow up


Clinical Pre-Treatment Consultation

Primary responsibility: Clinician/Surgeon
Timing: End of the pre-treatment consultation while patient is still present
Location: Consultation room and/or chairside

Preoperative procedures


Bernard Touati: Anterior implant esthetics - optimal soft tissue integration

The lecture gives comprehensive insight in soft tissue management techniques and procedures. Dr Touati explains the main factors influencing hard and soft tissue remodeling around implants and presents his roadmap for optimal integration in the esthetic zone. Video part 1 covers...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Stephen Parel: An overview of treatment solutions for the edentulous patient with a focus on All-on-4

Supported by several clinical case presentations, the lecture presents up-to-date treatment options for edentulous situations and highlights the huge advances dentistry has made over the last decade to treat edentulous patients. Dr Parel explains the advantage of placing tilted imp

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Torsten Jemt: Long-term clinical documentation on dental implants

The lecture gives insight in implant related dentistry over a long-term follow-up period of over 25 years with over 9000 patients treated and 32000 placed implants. Video part 1 reviews implant-, protocol-, maintenance and patient-related topics. The change from machined to treated

Implant designs
Implant surfaces

Patient cases

Extraction and replacement of maxillary central incisors

This patient is a young patient asking for dental implants to replace her hopeless maxillary central incisors. The patient's chief complaint was the increased mobility of her maxillary central incisors. She has a history of traumatic injury to the central incisors. 

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Single anterior tooth replacement

A 21-year-old female patient presented with a fractured anterior incisor #11 FDI (#8 US). Pre-operative 3D-CT showed an intact buccal bone plate. The incisor had to be extracted, an immediate implant and an immediate provisional restoration were placed the same day.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures

Patient cases

Immediate placement/loading to treat a terminal dentition

A 43-year-old male patient was not comfortable with the idea of a denture. The loss of anterior teeth finally stimulated the urgency to move forward with a solid reconstructive plan.  A restoration provided at day of surgery proved to be the optimal solution for this patient.

Implant prosthetics
Local factors

Patient cases

Edentulous patient rehabilitated with implant retained restorations

A 63-year-old female patient's chief complaint was the severe impact on function and chewing following extensive periodontal breakdown associated with significant mobility of numerous teeth. A full mouth rehabilitation over implants was the option selected.

Immediate implant placement
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization

Patient cases

Implant placement through an impacted canine

A 32-year-old female patient presents with mobile primary canines and requires implant therapy. The impacted canines are located where the implants need to be placed. To avoid this invasive surgery, implants have been placed through the impacted teeth. 

Anterior implants
Diagnosis and treatment planning
Anterior implants