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Torsten Jemt: Clinical problems in implant dentistry. How should we interpret the results?

Many clinical follow-up studies are performed to report various complications and failures that can be observed for different techniques or patient groups. These studies can be designed in different ways which has an impact on the results that are revealed. This presentation will...

Success & failure


Peter Thomsen: Latest understanding of the biology of osseointegration. The early cellular and molecular path to osseointegration

The lecture will highlight results generated with newly developed sampling and analytical platforms, including studies with systematic alterations of implant surface properties, morphological, ultrastructural, biomechanical and genomic/proteomic techniques. The hypothesis is that...

Implant surfaces


Carole Leconte: Guided bone regeneration principles and treatment strategies to create a successful long-term implant-host interface

Guided bone regeneration as a concept and in practice has been prevalent for many years and has yielded scientific evidence useful to assist the clinician in choosing the right technique for the right clinical situation. In this presentation, basic principles of guided bone...

Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration
Sinus augmentation


How does cementation of implant restorations impact osseointegration?

What do we know about cement? How it flows, excessive amounts and hydraulic forces arising from cement can lead to both hard and soft tissue destruction. These concepts and furthermore, how should we mitigate the risks of using cement, will be discussed.


Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Brent Allan: Influence of implant and prosthesis design on maintenance and osseointegration. Enhance the long-term integrity of your implants.

This presentation will provide an understanding of the decision-making process when it comes to component selection, osteotomy design and drilling protocols to be used, hard and soft tissue management as well as prosthetic design and its effect on long-term success of implant...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Fiona McKillop: Influence of periodontal maintenance on osseointegration

Implants are an excellent treatment option for the long–term replacement of missing teeth. For the majority of individuals treatment is straightforward, but a small number of patients will experience biological or technical complications, notably peri-implant disease. The...

Peri-implant therapy


Paul Rosen: Factors associated with peri-implant bone loss

The cause(s) of bone loss around dental implants evoke many disparate views. Since the 6th European Workshop on Periodontics held in 2007, no update has been made to the original list leading to debate as to what may be relevant. This lecture will highlight some of these emerging...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Egon Euwe: Biologic rationale for management of the terminal or retrieved implant. Determinants of maintaining or retrieving an ailing implant

Is a failing implant a red flag scenario in the learning curve?


With the explosive penetration of implantology in the dental community, we are more often confronted with complications and failing implants. Corrections and re-treatment are difficult and time consuming. Inadequate...

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Blackie Swart: Tissue preparation prior to replacement of a failing implant, how to graft a site for the new implant to be installed, and implant installation and follow up

Replacement of failed implants (functional or esthetic) can be a daunting task and often achieves unsatisfactory results. A decision on implant removal, according to set guidelines, should be made as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary tissue loss. Normal bone physiology should...

Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration

Patient cases

A novel approach for soft tissue management in the anterior region

A 33-year-old male patient's chief complaint was a missing lateral incisor which had been extracted several years earlier. A one-stage implant procedure simultaneous to connective tissue grafting and the use of a slim healing abutment was planned.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Lucy Weibull: Long-term data from the Brånemark Clinic

Ever since professor Brånemark introduced titanium as biomaterial and treated the first patient in the 1960’s, the method for oral rehabilitation with dental implants has spread over the world. Over the years, it has become a widely used and documented therapy for edentulism. But...

Success & failure


Julie Hemar: Osseointegration every day - avoiding and overcoming complications

The development of the concepts and practice of osseointegration has created a quiet revolution in dentistry with favorable practical results. Concepts of osseointegration as they were defined by P.I. Brånemark evolve through major changes regarding the material, design, and...

Sinus augmentation
Success & failure


Ricardo Peniche: Digital dentistry in full-arch rehabilitations. How far can we go?

Implant supported full arch rehabilitation involves a multidisciplinary approach. Bone quality and quantity, esthetics, biomechanics and interocclusal space are among the many other factors that should be taken into consideration. This presentation will show the advantages of 3D...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Aina Mesquida: Guided surgery and 3D printing

The advent of CAD-CAM technology and its ever-growing optimization has rapidly caught the attention of the dental community for its potential applications. Specifically in the implant dentistry field, 3D imaging based diagnostics and treatment planning are becoming part of the...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Franceso Pera: Full-arch rehabilitation with immediate loading protocol. Prosthetic and biomechanical aspects.

In recent years, numerous papers have focused on the treatment of edentulous maxillae with immediately loaded implant-supported prostheses. Despite the inherent challenges of this kind of rehabilitation, these papers reported favorable results. In 2004, the Department of Implant...

Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics