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Christer Dahlin: Hard and soft tissue integration - where do we stand today and what will be the future ?

Bone regeneration today has become a frequent and routine procedure in implant dentistry. The next step is to ensure optimal soft tissue outcomes to be able to establish long term esthetic results. Dr Dahlin discusses current status and trends in tissue regeneration, protocols and

Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


General patient history

It is helpful if a clinician is situated so that his/her eyes are at the level of the patient's eyes. For example, if the patient is seated, the clinician should also be seated. It is beneficial if the interview between clinician and...

Systemic factors
Patient assessment
Preoperative procedures


Marc Quirynen: Give the bone a chance to survive

The etiology of complex chronic infections like peri-implantitis demand a multi-causality model to explain the condition. Peri-implantitis is not always caused by pathogens. Dr Quirynen reviews that peri-implantitis can be caused by more than one causal mechanism, that every causal...
Systemic factors
Success & failure


Anthony Sclar: Managing the terminal / failing dentition - the All-on-4® treatment concept

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a proven treatment protocol that provides optimal support for an implant bridge with 4 implants even with minimum available bone volume. The lecture discusses the All-on-4® treatment concept under the failing dentition point of view and reviews...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Soft tissue management


Bertil Friberg: Achieving surgical success for compromised bone - graft or not graft

Implant treatment in compromised bone situations can be managed with different techniques, with and without grafting protocols. Supported by broad literature and meta-analysis data, Dr Friberg reviews experiences with grafting and implants in the field of grafting procedures since...
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration
Sinus augmentation


David Gelb: A clinically documented protocol for immediate implant placement and loading

Based on over 20 years of clinical experience with immediate implant placement and restoration, Dr Gelb reviews treatment options and benefits for this protocol in various clinical indications, and gives a glimpse of these procedures from his daily clinical practice. Immediate...
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


Christian Coachman: Smile design and material selection for white and pink esthetics over implants

Dr Coachman develops how the smile design can be the primary principle of a restorative treatment plan, and how nowadays technologies assist us in achieving predictable esthetic restorations adressing functional and biologic aspects at the same time. Guided surgery is at times...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Sreenivas Koka: Peri-implantitis: Truths and Myths

Peri-implantitis a very important topic and subject of scientific debate. In the early days of implant dentistry crestal bone loss was not common. Dr Koka discusses the concept of osseosufficiency and if implants fail or if failure of implant treatment is rather a host response to...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces


Peter Wöhrle: Integrated treatment flow

How can we treat patients more effectively, and with a better outcome? Dr Wöhrle presents how to optimize treatment planning with the final prosthetic design in mind, minimize surgical and prosthetic errors, optimize patient communication, and explains an integrated, digital...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Implant placement and guided bone regeneration in the anterior area of the mandible

A 55-year-old male patient desired replacement of a previously extracted, missing lower canine #43 FDI (#27 US) which had not been previously restored. The treatment option was the placement of an implant with horizontal and vertical bone augmentation.

Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Immediate implant placement with a screw-retained restoration using the angulated screw channel abutment

A 29-year-old male patient presented himself after a traumatic injury with nonspecific pain in the maxillary front area. Tooth #11 FDI (#8 US) showed only little discomforting response to percussion. the patient opted for an implant-based prosthodontic restoration.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Paul Rosen: Successful treatment of peri-implantitis: advisability and predictability

The presentation reviews the measures and options for treatment of peri-implantitis. Dr Rosen discusses that the etiologies to periodontitis and peri-implantitis share a number of common analogies, and advocates comparable treatment approaches. The initiator isn't always plaque...

Implant surfaces
Bone grafting and regeneration


Paulo Malo: All-on-4® - state-of-the art concept

It is very important and beneficial to avoid grafting in elderly patients, who often have compromised health conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. The All-on-4® treatment concept is a specific surgical procedure developed to avoid grafting procedures in edentulous...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Prosthetic materials

Treatment guidelines



Comprehensive treatment concepts, Zygomatic implants

Conventional dentures are a common treatment option, but, when bone is missing, they may not meet functional, psychological and social needs of the individual. Classical surgical approaches include different...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites

Treatment guidelines



Anatomical location

Oral implants are usually placed in the mandibular and maxillary bone and sometimes in additional bone structures such as the zygomatic, pterygoid or vomer bone. In order to identify relevant anatomical structures, diagnostic evaluation of the anatomy...

Implants in compromised sites
Patient assessment