The lecture discusses in how far the assessment of marginal bone can be a suitable measure for bone integrity and implant oesseointegration. Dr Koka reviews aspects of definition of bone quality and the concept of osseo-sufficiency, and shows that we still are influenced by biases...
Placement of tilted and/or Zygomatic implants can offer the advantage of low invasive, graftless treatment options. Dr Fortin presents systematic pre-treatment evaluation for these solutions, discusses the benefits of tilted implants and explains placement options and techniques...
Treatment objective of a chronic disinfection is to reduce bacterial load under a critical threshold. In the case of peri-implant infections the measures to reduce bacterial contamination can comprise e.g. surgical or non-surgical debridement and implant surface decontamination...
Distinguishing normal and abnormal marginal bone behaviour around osseointegrated implants is a complex and controversial topic. Dr Chvartszaid reviews why this distinction is difficult, and discusses topics such as the existence of multiple proposed etiologies, deficiencies in...
The lecture raises the discussion about overtreatment of natural teeth or alternatively also with implants. Dr Walton introduces his thoughts as a 'tale of caution'. Is ongoing treatment of severely structurally or periodontally compromised teeth - 'herodontics' - still justified...
Tooth loss is an important change in a patient's life. The decision to remove healthy or restorable teeth within a comprehensive treatment therefore requires a strategic approach and evaluation within the guidelines of medical/ dental ethics. Implant treatment is certainly a game...
The lecture gives insight in principles and protocols for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the maxillary ridge and its relationship to intra- and extra-oral esthetics. Dr Bahat reviews aspects of intra- and extra-oral objectives, guidelines for surgical planning, soft tissue...
Based on a systematic review, supported by the Cochrane library issue 3 2013, the lecture discusses if predictable success rates with immediately loaded implants can be achieved. Dr Esposito compares immediate, early and conventional loading, occlusal vs non-occlusal loading and...
The lecture gives insight in decision guidelines, indications, contraindications as well as complications and potential failures for immediate function protocols in edentulous patients. Dr Glauser presents the 'patient journey' from pre-treatment evaluation, planning with digital...
There is only one chance to make first good impression. The first patient consultation therefore plays an important role in order to adequately perform the initial patient interview, medical examination, the diagnostic evaluation and discuss logistic information such treatment plan...
There is not one material suitable for all patients and the availability of new materials and techniques requires smart decision making to achieve the objective of a prosthetic restoration: to mimic nature as close as possible. Treatment planning therefore is key. Dr Blatz gives...
To obtain an esthetic result, the objective is to achieve harmony between pink and white tissues. usually this is an issue and in periodontally compromised it is likely to be an even bigger challenge. Dr Ricci gives insight in the surgical and prosthetic treatment steps, procedures...
Treatment with multiple adjacent implants shows considerably more complexity in comparison to restoring with a single implant, especially in the esthetic zone. The lecture discusses the clinical scenarios which are important for treatment planning: healed vs extraction site...
The lecture reviews and compares a data pool with almost 40.000 implants placed in an over 20 year time period. Dr Laureen Langer concludes that there are high and equivalent survival rates and no statistical differences between immediate and delayed placement, and that the...
It is crucial the clinician has a fully versed understanding in the anatomy of the surgery site and in many instances this information is gained through imaging technologies. Dr Lam reviews the anatomical considerations and characteristics in the oral and maxilla-facial region...