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Paulo Malo: All-on-4® - state-of-the art concept

It is very important and beneficial to avoid grafting in elderly patients, who often have compromised health conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis. The All-on-4® treatment concept is a specific surgical procedure developed to avoid grafting procedures in edentulous...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Prosthetic materials


Gwen Swennen: A new 'surface to Cone Beam CT' registration method for enhanced diagnostics and virtual planning of orthognathic surgery

Orthognathic surgery treatment planning should include assessment of the entire face, especially in two third profiles, facial, upper dental and lower dental midlines, occlusal cants, and asymmetries, both in rest and dynamically. Dr Swennen emphasizes the importance of...
Digital workflow
Diagnosis and treatment planning

Patient cases

Maxillary implant-supported overdenture to replace a failed, fixed restoration

A 68-year-old female patient wearing an implant-supported restoration with a very high mobility due to periimplantitis. The treatment consisted in placement of new implants and a new prosthesis to re-establish function, esthetics and provide overall comfort.

Edentulous treatments


Georg Watzek: Molar implants as simple as possible, as effective as necessary

The lecture focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of placing single implants in the posterior region at the time of tooth extraction, with emphasis on treatment and protocol decision and techniques to minimize number of treatment sessions. Review of scientific data for these...
Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants
Sinus augmentation


Peter Wöhrle, Pascal Kunz: NobelClinician® - integrated workflow

Adequate patient assessment, diagnostics and treatment planning are crucial for long-term successful clinical results. Procedures should be outcome-driven, predictability means success. The lecturers present the integrated workflow with NobelClinician and its use in combination...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Scott Dyer: Treatment planning and procedures for the edentulous patient

In this lecture Dr Dyer discusses criteria for the restoration of edentulous jaws with a focus on the questions how many implants and which patient receives which treatment and why, and reviews the key basic prosthodontic principles, retention, stability, support, as well as...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Patient assessment


Conrad Rensburg: The future is now - the collaborative team approach

A team approach and cooperation between the treatment team is key for treatment success, and lack of collaboration is a potential recipe for complications. Patients have increasing demands and expectations, become more and more informed, and have access to informations to detect co

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Laureen Langer: Thirty years of osseointegration in private practice - what have we learned

In this lecture, Dr Langer reviews implant dentistry over a 30 years time frame with almost 40.000 implants placed, and underlining with comprehensive literature support, with a focus on the treatment objectves predictability, beauty and longevity. The lecture discusses aspects of...
Implant designs
Implant surfaces


Oded Bahat: The relationship between esthetics, continuous craniofacial growth and implant reconstruction in adults - observations, consequences and surgical solutions

In this lecture Dr Bahat discusses facial esthetics, craniofacial ageing, its influence on implant placement and how these parameters interact. Craniofacial changes continue throughout adult life, and vary between genders, and individually between patients. Dr Bahat is reviewing...
Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants


Chandur Wadhwani: Implants, cement and peri-implantitis - science and the missing link

Cementation procedures and materials have been reported to cause complications in implant prosthetics, mainly inflammation around the implant due to cement material excess. Cementation procedures are a complex system, not all the dimensions of which seem to be fully understood and...
Implant prosthetics


Bertil Friberg: The Brånemark Clinic - current research and clinical implications

Based on extensive literature review and clinical resarch at the Gothenburg Brånemark clinic over 3 decades, Dr Friberg is reviewing causes for bone loss in implant treatment, in single, partial and edentulous situations, and discussing the influence of traumatized and ankylotic...
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants


Yoshihiro Goto: Oral rehabilitation of amelogenesis imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a very challenging situation for both patient and clinician. Besides malformation of the enamel layer and tooth discoloration, AI often shows other severe symptoms such as teeth impaction, root malformation and severy malocclusion. For the...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Eric Rompen: Soft tissue health and stability - how to achieve

Stable and healthy soft tissue conditions are important for the longevity of implant restorations and crucial for their esthetic success especially in the esthetic region. Dr Rompen is reviewing aspects of the biological width and gingival biotypes and their important influence.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants

Treatment guidelines



Overarching considerations

The primary goal is a proper oral function. This implies not only chewing but also speaking, smiling. Patients’ adaptability varies enormously. Some are satisfied with removable dentures, others object to the esthetics of...

Local factors
Patient assessment


Torsten Jemt: 30 years implant based restorations - experiences from the university

Dr Jemt reviews experiences with dental implants from the Brånemark clinic since 1985 till today, including 11.000 patients and 40.000 implants placed, and earlier experiences from the Gothenburg group since 1965. In their long-term follow up, the Branemark clinic team focusses on...

Implant surfaces