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Keng Mun Wong: Evidence-based immediate tooth replacement, the anterior esthetic challenge

Dr. Keng Mun Wong reviews the clinical decision-making related to timing of implant placement in the esthetic zone. When is it a better option to preserve the tooth and when to extract? When can an implant be placed immediately, and when is it beneficial to decide for an immediate...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Neo Tee Khin: How to build a successful implant practice

Dr. Tee Khin reviews different communication channels available to the dental practice, including print marketing, newspapers and TV media, as well as online and social media activities. It is important to invest adequate resources into marketing activities, to know our market and...

Preoperative procedures


Kenji Higuchi: Treatment planning for successful and predictable outcomes

Practitioners need to understand what patient's wants and needs are, and the ability to communicate with the patient is the foundation for a successful treatmant. The lectue focusses on the educational objectives on how to use effective communication skills with patients and to...

Patient assessment
Preoperative procedures

Treatment guidelines



Skeletal consequences of edentulism

Teeth loss in the maxilla initiates residual ridge/alveolar resorption, especially in the anterior region, which is flared labially. The consequences of this resorption is a gradual medial or palatal shift of the crest of the maxilla. This...

Patient assessment


Chandur Wadhwani: Restorative-driven implant health – what you need to know. Healing abutment to final restoration.

The success of the dental implant is intimately related to how the soft tissues respond prior to, during, and after restoration. The restoring clinician is involved with all these aspects and must fully understand the consequences of his or her choices and actions. Soft-tissue heal

Prosthetic strategies


Patrick Henry: 2015 - a year of very special anniversaries

2015 is a year marking some important anniversaries in implant dentistry. 50 years ago, in 1965, the first patient was treated with a Nobel Biocare implant. 2015 also marks the 15th anniversary of the TiUnite surface, which was first introduced in 2000. In light of the significant...

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Dentogingival complex and biologic width

The peri-implant mucosa consists of an externally located keratinized oral epithelium, which is connected to the peri-implant junctional epithelium facing the abutment. The latter extends approximately 2 mm apical to the...

Soft tissue management

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Anterior and posterior location considerations

Missing single teeth imply a variety of bone sites for implant placement. Incisor regions are frequently impeded by inadequate mesio-distal and/or bucco-lingual bone dimensions, whereas second bicuspid/molar regions are generally affected by inadequate...

Patient assessment

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Patient communication requirements

The process of informed consent requires a thorough communication between healthcare professional and patient. The communication should minimally comprise...

Patient assessment
Preoperative procedures

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Alternative treatment options

There are several treatment options for a single missing tooth; the most common are an implant-supported crown, a 3-unit fixed partial denture supported by two natural teeth, a fixed resin-bonded fixed partial denture, a removable partial denture...

Patient assessment

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Benefits and limitations of single implant treatment

The application of implants for single-tooth replacements has evolved into a viable surgical and prosthodontic treatment option with reporting of excellent implant survival rates and satisfied patients. Psychological benefits of restoring the dental...

Diagnosis and treatment planning
Patient assessment

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


General patient history

It is helpful if a clinician is situated so that his/her eyes are at the level of the patient's eyes. For example, if the patient is seated, the clinician should also be seated. It is beneficial if the interview between clinician and...

Systemic factors
Patient assessment
Preoperative procedures


Marc Quirynen: Give the bone a chance to survive

The etiology of complex chronic infections like peri-implantitis demand a multi-causality model to explain the condition. Peri-implantitis is not always caused by pathogens. Dr Quirynen reviews that peri-implantitis can be caused by more than one causal mechanism, that every causal...
Systemic factors
Success & failure


Christian Coachman: Smile design and material selection for white and pink esthetics over implants

Dr Coachman develops how the smile design can be the primary principle of a restorative treatment plan, and how nowadays technologies assist us in achieving predictable esthetic restorations adressing functional and biologic aspects at the same time. Guided surgery is at times...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Paul Rosen: Successful treatment of peri-implantitis: advisability and predictability

The presentation reviews the measures and options for treatment of peri-implantitis. Dr Rosen discusses that the etiologies to periodontitis and peri-implantitis share a number of common analogies, and advocates comparable treatment approaches. The initiator isn't always plaque...

Implant surfaces
Bone grafting and regeneration