A thorough risk assessment forms the cornerstone of successful patient treatment. Four key sources of information permit the clinician to identify pertinent risks and to determine the seriousness of each risk...
The key questions in a complete anamnesis are related to: mouth opening, salivary output, presence of mucosal diseases, gingival health, signs of previous periodontal surgeries, tooth hypermobility, TMJ problems, orthodontic...
It is helpful if a clinician is situated so that his/her eyes are at the level of the patient's eyes. For example, if the patient is seated, the clinician should also be seated. It is beneficial if the interview between clinician and...
In order to provide adequate treatment and meet patient satisfaction, it is crucial to evaluate patient expectations. These expectations normally fall into one or more of four categories: function, comfort, esthetics and...
Over the recent years dentistry has undergone a considerable evolution, providing new technologies and materials, and become more digital. The challenge and opportunity is to combine digital technologies, esthetics and function. Dr Touati and Jean-Marc Etienne discuss long distance...
In comparison to the natural tooth the implant does not have a periodontal ligament which supports vascularization of the bone and the gingival attachment. Therefore especially the buccal plate at an implant site is subject to resorption. Dr Staas emphasizes the importance of an...
Peri-implantitis is an infection around implants associated with the presence of submucosal bacterial biofilm, with the biofilm microorganisms adhering and hiding on irregular surface structures such as the rough implant surface, crown margin areas and unfavorably designed...
A consensus statement is an agreement on currently available knowledge and may shift over time based on new evidence. Today there are solid data that there is an association between history of periodontitis and later peri-implant inflammation and infection. However this finding...
What can go wrong when restoring a full-arch with immediate provisionalization ? Dr Parrish gives insight in the most common complications and pitfalls and how they can be avoided. Often failures are due to human errror. Implant component failures are rare, provided premium quality...
A 56-year-old female patient was bothered by the darker shade of her right central incisor crown in comparison to the adjacent teeth. To fulfill the patient's need, a single-hand veneered zirconia crown was chosen as a treatment.
A 23-year-old female patient presented herself with a traumatically injured maxillary central incisor. The tooth had been bonded multiple times unsuccessfully with resin. An all-ceramic E-max crown was selected as the treatment option.
A 47-year-old female patient referred by her periodontist who was not satisfied with her gingival health. Metal-ceramic crowns with ceramic margins on the natural teeth along with placement of a custom abutment and cementation of a metal-ceramic crown on the implant were chosen.
A 49-year-old female patient was unsatisfied with the high opacity of her right lateral incisor. The existing metal-ceramic crown was replaced by an IPS Empress all-ceramic crown. The crown was bonded with a resin cement.
The presentation gives a close look at a systematic approach, how to plan implant restorations step by step, from an esthetic perspective. It is an esthetic-occlusal system and applied in a way that the interdisciplinary team has a common ground. Supported by several clinical...
A 39-year-old female patient presented with the extensive incisal wear of the maxillary incisors due to an occlusal habit that exposed large areas of dentin created some sensitivity and produced short teeth that the patient did not like.