Suture removal for mucoperiosteal wounds, depending on the age of the patient and the extent of the wound takes place after 8 to 12 days. Even resorbable sutures may benefit after such healing time from removal of remnants...
Damage of sublingual arteries can lead to intense hemorrhage. Subsequent elevation of floor of the mouth can lead to (fatal) airway obstruction ! An early symptom of sublingual swelling may be a muffled speech. In such situation ensure free airways (intubation, tracheotomy),...
Inform patient about adequate actions after surgery. Leave around the clock emergency contact numbers in case of urgent complications. Plan or delegate to the referring dentist postoperative recall visits, at day 1 or 2, day 8 - 14 and 4 – 6 weeks...
the patient might need or appreciate adequate medication against pain and swelling, for example Paracetamol, Acetylsalicylicacid (ASA), or of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug...
In the rush to meet patient demands for functional rehabilitation, the importance of occlusion is often overlooked. A check of the occlusion should be performed at every visit from insertion onwards because many problems with fixed dental prostheses can...
Addressing the patient’s chief complaints satisfactorily and meeting patient expectations lies at the core of all dental therapy. The best way to ensure that patient expectations are met or exceeded is by thoughtful listening during the diagnosis...
Patient compliance is a critical factor in promoting the long-term success of oral rehabilitation. The issue of patient compliance should be enthusiastically engaged by the clinician/dental practitioner. The practitioner may see a non-compliant...
The use of acrylic or porcelain artificial teeth brings different challenges related to nocturnal paranormal function. High occlusal forces can be mitigated by wearing of a protective occlusal guard. Acrylic teeth may wear over time and/or become dislodged from...
All tissue surfaces, prosthesis surfaces and implant surfaces should be accessible by oral hygiene aids like toothbrushes, interdental brushes and dental floss or dental tape. It is paramount that, during treatment planning...
The regular recall control appointment, at least every 6 months, should comprise a hygiene check by the dental/oral hygienist or other auxiliary, and include professional cleaning of the restoration, prosthetic components, sulcus and any...
The relative merits of different prosthodontic treatment objectives - resilient versus rigid attachments - are controversial and empirical. A resilient retention mechanism is recommended on the assumption that this will protect implants from overload; while in...
The patient with a terminal dentition and who faces total teeth extractions can choose from a number of treatment options from immediate complete denture to one of the implant supported protocols.
Immediate dentures are chosen by patients who are unwilling...
At post-placement visits, the same factors evaluated carefully at the insertion appointment should be reviewed again and adjustments made where necessary. Denture base fit, extensions, occlusion, esthetics, function, comfort and overall...
Placement of a complete denture requires attention to detail to cover all important clinical items such prosthesis fit, denture base extensions, esthetics, occlusion, patient comfort and post-placement instructions. In addition, the clinician...
The trial placement appointment is crucial for successful edentulous patient care.
The tooth arrangement (set-up) provides a tangible orientation index of the teeth’s spatial positions in relation to each...