Patients may have compromised blood coagulation due to inherited hemophilia or acquired disorders of coagulation resulting from preventive anticoagulant therapy in case of cardiovascular diseases. There are also states of heightened coagulation...
Osteoporosis is a frequent disease affecting predominantly postmenopausal women. The prevalence is 7% in women aged 55 and raises to 19% in women aged 80. Osteoporosis is diagnosed by a decreased radiologic bone density (DXA-score). Primary osteoporosis is more...
Diabetes refers to metabolic diseases where blood sugar levels are too high, a condition termed hyperglycemia, and where symptoms as increased hunger, weight loss, more frequent urination, weakness and fatigue and excessive thirst are observed. High...
Parafunctional activities can apply high forces to both implant and prosthetic components. These forces can lead to fracture or loosening of screws and abutments, chipping of the veneering material or fracture of the prosthetic reconstruction...
It is important to evaluate signs indicating if the patient abuses alcohol or takes recreational drugs and may have developed addictions. In general these drugs have a psychedelic,...
The medical history should reveal if the patient takes any prescribed medication and especially whether in the correct dosage. Fear of oral surgery may induce a temporary overconsumption of drugs such as beta-blockers or...
Smoking and nicotine consumption have a constrictive effect on blood vessels thereby reducing blood supply. It increases the susceptibility to periodontal inflammatory diseases, dry extraction sockets and wound healing...
Implant based treatment is a comprehensive long-term therapy with various treatment steps and ongoing need for adequate aftercare. It therefore requires considerable involvement, cooperation and dedication – compliance – from the patient. Therefore, during the...
Edentulism as a consequence of (sub)total agenesis of deciduous and/or permanent teeth in children and adolescents is extremely rare. It is commonly a component of a generalized underlying condition such as ectodermal dysplasia. There are...
A thorough risk assessment forms the cornerstone of successful patient treatment. Four key sources of information permit the clinician to identify pertinent risks and to determine the seriousness of each risk...
The key questions in a complete anamnesis are related to: mouth opening, salivary output, presence of mucosal diseases, gingival health, signs of previous periodontal surgeries, tooth hypermobility, TMJ problems, orthodontic...
It is helpful if a clinician is situated so that his/her eyes are at the level of the patient's eyes. For example, if the patient is seated, the clinician should also be seated. It is beneficial if the interview between clinician and...
In order to provide adequate treatment and meet patient satisfaction, it is crucial to evaluate patient expectations. These expectations normally fall into one or more of four categories: function, comfort, esthetics and...