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Treatment guidelines

Single tooth

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Bleeding on probing (BoP), plaque score (PS), and probing depth (PD) can be recorded to monitor the peri-implant soft tissues and to identify eventual problems of the underlying bone, although the correlation of probing depth with crestal bone height falls as a site exhibits...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Check of prosthetic restoration

Checking the single-tooth implant-supported restoration is part of the regular recall visit of a patient. Items of checking the restoration are occlusion, attrition of occlusal surfaces, mobility of the restoration and fracture...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Patient expectations

Addressing the patient’s chief complaints satisfactorily and meeting patient expectations lies at the core of all dental therapy. The best way to ensure that patient expectations are met or exceeded is by thoughtful listening during the diagnosis...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Esthetic complications

Esthetic complications in the anterior zone may result from a myriad of factors. The most obvious would be the poor placement of an implant. This could be a result of poor planning, lack of surgical guides, one not being familiar with...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Biologic complications

Extraction of teeth with persistent periapical lesions requires a specific drilling protocol to remove infected bone, to reach healthy trabecular bone and start up a bleeding. Residual dens sclerotic bone may harbor latent pathogenic microorganisms for a...

Complications & long-term success
Peri-implant therapy

Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Soft tissue, hard tissue, adjacent teeth

Following the placement of the final restoration the next phase of therapy begins. This is termed maintenance, and it broken down into daily maintenance and periodic maintenance...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Occlusal guard

The use of porcelain artificial teeth brings different challenges related to nocturnal paranormal function. High occlusal forces can be mitigated by wearing of a protective occlusal guard. Chipping of porcelain is a frequent encountered complication of...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Provisional restoration

During the healing period of the implant, the patient requires a provisional restoration for function, phonetics, and aesthetics, especially in the anterior region. Provisional restorations at the implant site can be either removable mucosa-supported, fix...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Suture removal

Sutures are available in a number of types and sizes (diameter) to ensure that wound margins are free of tension, allowing healing by primary intention. Dental sutures are classified into two types, absorbable and non-absorbable. They can also be classified as mono-filament or...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Post-operative soft tissue management

Following implant placement, patients receive oral and written recommendations about medication, oral hygiene maintenance and diet, depending on the type of surgical and prosthetic procedures...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Templates for imaging and surgery

Radiographic and surgical guide templates assist in diagnosis and treatment planning and facilitate proper positioning of implants in bone. In general, the diagnostic casts and wax-up are the basis to form radiographic or surgical templates...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Diagnostic casts and wax-up

It is important to diagnose available space and occlusion for either the implant-supported single-tooth restoration or a fixed denture. Diagnostic casts and a diagnostic wax-up will enhance the predictability of the treatment...




Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Prosthodontic diagnostic tools overview

Although rehabilitation with an implant-supported single-tooth restoration concerns only a small part of the total arch, it is important to diagnose available space and occlusion. Specific tools are available to enable determination of available three-dimensional space...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Intraoral imaging and scanning

Digital technologies for general, cosmetic, and implant dentists, have increased significantly in the last years, allowing the patients to receive modern solutions to traditional dental problems. Digital technologies also improve communications with patients, dental technicians...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Computed Tomography (CT)

Conventional bi-dimensional imaging of the maxillofacial region is limited due to the overlap of anatomical structures, making visualization of the area of interest very difficult. Computerized (or computed) tomography (CT) scan, also referred to as computerized axial tomography...