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Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Submerged vs non-submerged

Oral endosseous implants are successful even long-term in the single-tooth situation. At insertion the primary implant stability is obtained by mechanical fixation. The secondary implant stability will result from osseointegration, a process characterized by the development of...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Time to function

Traditional endosseous oral implant treatment protocols ad modum Brånemark required a variable healing period (usually 3-6 months) before single-crown placement. The healing period was considered necessary to achieve osseointegration and establish a load-bearing interface...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth

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Site development, hard tissue management

3-D imaging seems the best option unless clinical examination reveals an ample bone volume. The local bone texture may be clearly visible if cross-sectional images are available or it may be approximated from the trabecular pattern of 2-D images...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Hard tissue and bone quality

A clear definition of bone quality does not exist. It has been related to mechanical properties of the bone, such as elastic modulus, strength, stiffness, micro-damage, strain, the ability to adapt to specific loads, and the capability to remodel. A more...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Site development, soft tissue management

The alveolar ridge is a portion of the jaws that develop in conjunction with tooth eruption. The volume and the shape of the alveolar ridge are determined by the shape of the teeth and their axis of eruption. Following tooth extraction, the alveolar ridge undergoes a dimensional...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Soft tissue condition and morphology

Once an implant is placed in function, peri-implant mucosal changes had been postulated as an attempt of the mucosal tissue to establish a stable biological dimension. If the thickness of peri-implant mucosa is reduced, bone resorption occurs to reestablish the mucosal dimension...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Implant position considerations, overview

Implant type and size should be based on site anatomy and the planned restoration. Inappropriate choice of implant length, implant diameter, implant neck configuration and surface properties may result in complications with surrounding...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


NobelClinician and digital workflow

NobelClinician software provides digital treatment planning by combining the information of two sources: A CBCT scan of the patient with a scan of the model and wax-up from a NobelProcera 2G scanner (Nobel Biocare AG). This special function and technique of merging...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Digital treatment planning overview

.One of the fastest growing fields of implant dentistry is the utilization of computer tomography (CT) scan data and treatment planning software in conjunction with guided surgery for implant cases. Treatment planning for implant placement has evolved from a purely surgical...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Treatment planning conventional, model based, non-guided, semi-guided

 A surgical guide template is used during surgery as an aid for proper positioning of the implant in the bone. There are three design concepts based on the amount of surgical restriction offered by the surgical guide templates...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Non-implant based treatment options

After finishing the phases of Patient assessment and Diagnostics, but before Treatment planning starts, a consensus must be reached between all parties on what the actual treatment will be. The patient must have enough information on possible...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Natural teeth

Maintenance of the natural teeth is essential for both optimum oral health and the overall systemic health. There is increasing evidence that the loss of the permanent dentition has such a deleterious effect that there are increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Radiographic control

Clinicians who provide diagnostic imaging services should always consider the optimum imaging technique for the patient/procedure, even if this means referral to another center...




Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Microbiology diagnostics

Following implant insertions in patients with residual dentition, the implant surfaces were colonized by the same bacteria present on the surfaces of the remaining teeth. Plaque accumulation at implants will result in the development of an inflammation at...


Treatment guidelines

Single tooth


Inflammation, infection

Inflammation around the implant can be limited to the soft tissue (mucositis) or involve the underlying bone tissue as well (peri-implantitis). Infection can be caused by various risk factors, such as inadequate hygiene and patient compliance...