The scientific literature shows that short implants with a length of ≥ 6 mm are able to support prosthetics in the edentulous mandible. After tooth removal the mandible displays different degrees of atrophy (Fig 1&2). Regarding hard tissue management...
3-D imaging seems the best option unless clinical examination reveals an ample bone volume. The bone quality can be derived from density measurements if CT scan images are available or approximately from the trabecular pattern of 2-D images. Pano....
In the edentulous upper jaw implant insertion can be limited due to the adjacent anatomical structures (nasal floor, maxillary sinus). Less than 5-6 mm in height and 6 mm in width requires augmentation before implant placement....
Where would we be without the gift of dental implants today ? In light of a growing elderly population, Dr Fenton presents a journey through treatment of edentulous patients from the pre-implant times in dentistry till today's advanced options and future advances and opportunities...
Primary responsibility: Nurse/Dental Assistant
Timing: End of the day
Location: OR/Surgical Suite/Operatory
Comments: Refers to one room (not patient); only performed 1x per day
A choice of occlusal schemes can be employed for the prosthodontic rehabilitation of the edentulous patient. Clinical outcomes with different schemes continue to be debated and no one scheme has emerged as clearly superior. However, although the...
Teeth extractions are followed by a reduction of the bucco-lingual as well as the vertical dimension of the residual alveolar ridge. The ensuing resorption is progressive and even the basal jaw may become involved. In the lower jaw, the....
Removable prostheses should always be removed over night. Since the acrylic denture base is tightly covering the keratinised mucosa, it often leads to fungal/candida infections of the ginigiva under the prosthesis....
This is the reversible inflammatory process in the soft tissues around functioning implants. Peri-implant mucositis occurs in almost 60% of subjects (± 30% of sites), restored with implants. Diagnosis is stated by clinical examination: redness, ...
At the beginning of the recall control it is necessary to define the intention of a radiograhical control and if it is needed. Radiological controls are only justified in the presence of certain symptoms, anamnesis and/or clinical examination...
After treatment of edentulous patients, there is no need to schedule specific recalls for soft tissue control. Traditional post-operative controls at day 1 - 3, day 7 - 14 and week 4 - 6 after surgery involve soft tissue control and...
At this appointment, a careful evaluation of the patient's oral hygiene and soft tissue response is performed and adjustments made as needed. A daily home-care program must be customized to the individual's ability to clean the...
Patient health can change considerably over time - therefore at every recall visit, check and get updated information on general health of patient, and if needed adapt maintenance policy adequately. Information (for example a poster)...