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Rudolf Fürhauser: Navigierte Ästhetik nach augmentativen Massnahmen

Für ein ästhetisches Endergebnis und einen harmonischen und symmetrischen Weichgewebsverlauf ist die korrekte dreidimensionale Implantatposition von entscheidender Bedeutung. Zu weit buccal gesetzte Implantate führen notwendigerweise zu einem inadäquaten Emergenzprofil mit apikaler...


Iñaki Gamborena: Esthetics in the anterior region

Sufficient soft tissue volume and natural scalloping contour is key for esthetic success. Dr Gamborena is discussing aspects of soft tissue management criteria, innovative connective tissue graft and healing abutment design, and related flap, suturing and restorative considerations...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Prosthetic strategies


Christer Dahlin: Site preservation and site build-up

Based on over 20 years experience and as one of the pioneers of this technique, Dr Dahlin reviews history, principles and potential future developments of guided tissue regeneration (GBR). Illustrated by clinical examples, Dr Dahlin discusses physiological bone resorption patterns...
Bone grafting and regeneration
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Oded Bahat: 30 years implant based restorations - experiences from private practice

With evolution of treatment procedures, products and scientific evidence, treatment concepts change over time. Dr Bahat reviews, what procedures and requirements in his practice have changed over time and what stayed the same. Esthetic demands by patients and subsequent need of...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Falk Wehrhan - Bisphosphonate - aktueller Stand, Richtlinien und Checklisten

Bisphosphonatinduzierte Kiefernekrose (BRONJ) ist in der Zahnmedizin und Kieferchirurgie eine erst seit 2002 beschriebene Komplikation. Über Pathologie und Ätiologie gibt es unterschiedliche und teilweise modeartige Ansichten und es gibt viele offene Fragestellungen, auch im...


Giorgio Tabanella: Dental implant esthetics in a diseased periodontium

Periodiontal diseases may create complex vertical and horizontal bone defects and pose specific challenges for implant based treatment. Dr Tabanella presents patient histories with generalized chronic and advanced periodontitis situations and reviews challenges, treatment planning...
Anterior implants
Posterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration


Eric Rompen: Soft tissue health and stability - how to achieve

Stable and healthy soft tissue conditions are important for the longevity of implant restorations and crucial for their esthetic success especially in the esthetic region. Dr Rompen is reviewing aspects of the biological width and gingival biotypes and their important influence.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Hannes Wachtel: Der Weichgewebeübergang - richtige Lage und langfristiger Erhalt

Für eine adäquate Ästhetik bei Implantatversorgung ist ein ausreichendes Weichgewebsvolumen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bindegewebstransplantate können wesentlich zum Erhalt von Weichgewebsvolumen und -architektur beitragen. Dr Wachtel präsentiert Techniken mit...



Torsten Jemt: 30 years implant based restorations - experiences from the university

Dr Jemt reviews experiences with dental implants from the Brånemark clinic since 1985 till today, including 11.000 patients and 40.000 implants placed, and earlier experiences from the Gothenburg group since 1965. In their long-term follow up, the Branemark clinic team focusses on...

Implant surfaces


Stephen Parel: Rehabilitation concepts for the edentulous patient - how many implants do we have to place

Scientific and clinical evidence on how many implants need to be placed, have evolved over time. 6 or more implants being the standard years ago, today 4 implants can be considered standard of care for the mandible and in most cases also for the maxilla, with the All-on 4 concept...
Edentulous treatments
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Success & failure


Ole Jensen: Tissue engineering for the edentulous maxilla

Based on the tissue engineering principle, that bone cannot only regenerate, but can take a shape and size greater than the epigenetic milieu, the lecture reviews various surgical options to increase the ridge volume with a focus on alveolar split techniques and BMP-2/ACS...

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Sinus augmentation


Iven Klineberg: Is traditional complete denture therapy passé ?

Even though preventive and restorative efforts increase the retention of natural teeth considerably, the number of edentulous patients will grow due to the epidemiologic growth of the older patient group. Adequate treatment of edentulous patient remains a challenge and Dr Klineberg...
Implant prosthetics


Friedrich Neukam, Stefan Holst: Optimal decision-making and treatment planning - a shared responsibility

The lecturers present their team approach for patient communication, diagnostics, treatment planning and treatment decisions, discuss the functional and esthetic consequences of edentulism, and review the different treatment phases. In addition to regular intro-and extra-oral...
Prosthetic materials


Georg Watzek: The sinus lift procedure for the edentulous patient - risky overtreatment or reliable necessity

Dr Watzek compares implant treatment with and without sinus lift augmentation procedures from the aspects: relative and absolute contra-indications, intra-operative risks, treatment time frame, success rate and cost. As a general rule, the smaller the surgical intervention, the...
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Lyndon Cooper: Endosseous dental implants - transformational for the edentulous

AAOMS data estimate that by the age of 74, 26 % of all adults will have lost all of their permanent teeth. Dr Cooper points out, that the care of the octagenarian is a challenge for dental profession, but also a major opportunity. Dr Cooper reviews the main parameters related to...
Digital workflow