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Wolfgang Bolz: The All-on-4® treatment concept in daily practice

Many patients long for fast, painless and effective treatment for their failing dentition. In Germany, an estimated 10 million patients are already edentulous or will soon become edentulous. The treatment options presented to them usually include long, invasive, painful and...

Digital workflow
Implant designs
Implant surfaces


Gary Orentlicher: Optimize planning and treatment with CBCT and NobelClinician®

Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), in combination with the NobelClinician® software and NobelGuide® surgical templates offer the dental implant team a new set of planning, surgical, and restorative tools. These technologies aid the restorative, surgical, and dental laboratory...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Åsa Sjöholm, Nicole Winitsky: Treatment planning utilizing digital tools

When working with complex cases is it very important to operate as one team. Only when all professionals are working towards the same goal and focused on the patient can the optimal treatment results be achieved.


The speakers will show you cases and share their thoughts about when...

Anterior implants


Markus Blatz: Fundamentals of monolithic zirconia materials. Are they all the same?

Unique physical, optical, and biologic properties have made zirconia a preferred material for restorative options from single units to full-mouth rehabilitations. For bilayer restorations with zirconia as a core and framework material, proper selection and application of the...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic materials


Inaki Gamborena, Luc Rutten: Achieving a high end esthetic outcome with a team approach and digital communication

This presentation will describe their experience in challenging cases as a team in a two-way communication. Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design beautiful smiles.


This presentation puts an emphasis...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Robert Nedelcu: Intraoral scanners for daily clinical use. Are we there yet?

Intra-oral scanning devices have existed for nearly thirty years with a rapid increase in the number of commercial solutions. The major question remains – “are we there yet?” The technology brings many benefits, but there are also several technical and clinical limitations. This is...

Digital workflow


George Duello: From concept to clinical reality - how standard workflows lead to patient satisfaction

For the partially edentulous patient to achieve complete prosthetic rehabilitation, the dental team needs to identify common challenges and goals to facilitate clinical workflows for the patient. Conventional and digital diagnostic procedures can demonstrate appropriate surgical...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic strategies


Joseph Kan: Anterior immediate single tooth replacement. Lessons learned.

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging procedure. Understanding the biological and physiological limitations of the soft and hard tissues will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations. This presentation will reflect on the past and current,

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Gabor Tepper: Predictability of clinical outcomes. How to work with the limits.

Immediate implant placement and Function have become highly demanded treatment protocols, as they offer multiple advantages to both patients and practitioners. Amongst others, shorter time to teeth leads to higher levels of patient satisfaction, which can in turn drive more...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Georg Mailath-Pokorny: Optimal implant positioning for long-term tissue maintenance

Placing implants immediately in fresh extraction sockets is a technically-sensitive procedure, which calls for careful consideration of several factors during diagnosis and treatment planning. One critically important factor for long-term soft tissue maintenance is the dental...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Åsa Sjöholm: The provisional crown, a communication tool

The provisional crown on an immediately placed implant represents a highly valuable tool when it comes to soft tissue management, reestablishment of function and communication in order to design the permanent crown. This becomes critically important in the case of anterior...

Implant prosthetics
Single and multi-unit restorations
Esthetic zone prosthetics


Rubén Rosenberg: The full-arch perspective. Myth or reality?

Immediate implant placement and Function represent valuable treatment protocols which can be applied in a broad range of indications. From patients missing a single tooth to soon-to-be-edentulous patients, everyone can benefit from the advantages of simultaneous extraction, implant...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments


Barry Wagenberg: Building a sense of efficacy. Perspective from private practice.

Immediate implant placement allows for a reduced number of surgical visits, less time to final restorations, decreased cost for patients, and high implant survival rates and bone maintenance, all of which are objectives of patients and clinicians alike. These treatment protocols...

Immediate implant placement
Sinus augmentation


David Gelb: Winners with immediate implant solutions

Each and every day patients present with teeth that are fractured and non-restorable, endodontic failures, non-restorable caries and periodontally hopeless teeth. Traditional treatment options, such as delayed protocols and site grafting, create great uncertainty and expense for...

Immediate implant placement
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Oscar González-Martín: The influence of the provisional restoration design on final aesthetics

Tissue volume is key to achieving natural and esthetic treatment outcomes at implant sites. An adequate management of the provisional and definitive restorations can influence soft tissue shape and volume and enhance final results.

This lecture will focus on design features of...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures
Prosthetic strategies