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Patient cases

A novel approach for soft tissue management in the anterior region

A 33-year-old male patient's chief complaint was a missing lateral incisor which had been extracted several years earlier. A one-stage implant procedure simultaneous to connective tissue grafting and the use of a slim healing abutment was planned.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Franceso Pera: Full-arch rehabilitation with immediate loading protocol. Prosthetic and biomechanical aspects.

In recent years, numerous papers have focused on the treatment of edentulous maxillae with immediately loaded implant-supported prostheses. Despite the inherent challenges of this kind of rehabilitation, these papers reported favorable results. In 2004, the Department of Implant...

Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


David Garcia Baeza: The art of individualized prosthetics in the aesthetic zone and the way to the optimum result

Reaching for an aesthetic end-result involves optimized soft tissue protocols. The use of provisional restorations gives advantages and makes the final prosthetic steps easier to achieve an excellent esthetic result. The handling of the soft tissue and its manipulation at the right...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Inaki Gamborena, Luc Rutten: Achieving a high end esthetic outcome with a team approach and digital communication

This presentation will describe their experience in challenging cases as a team in a two-way communication. Clinicians and dental technicians have access to an astounding array of new technologies, tools and materials to design beautiful smiles.


This presentation puts an emphasis...

Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


George Duello: From concept to clinical reality - how standard workflows lead to patient satisfaction

For the partially edentulous patient to achieve complete prosthetic rehabilitation, the dental team needs to identify common challenges and goals to facilitate clinical workflows for the patient. Conventional and digital diagnostic procedures can demonstrate appropriate surgical...

Digital workflow
Prosthetic strategies


Joseph Kan: Anterior immediate single tooth replacement. Lessons learned.

Achieving anterior implant esthetics is a challenging procedure. Understanding the biological and physiological limitations of the soft and hard tissues will facilitate predictability in simple to complex esthetic situations. This presentation will reflect on the past and current,

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures


Keng Mun Wong: Considerations for posterior implant restorations

Dr. Wong shares his insights on several major aspects of posterior implant rehabilitation.  Both the surgical and prosthetic features of the treatment plan are covered: type, size, number and distribution of implants, prosthetic and abutment design, material selection, hygiene...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement


Alessandro Pozzi: NobelGuide protocol

Highlighting with several patient cases and clinical videos, and underlining with literature data, Dr Pozzi explains the workflow principles and advantages when using guided surgery protocols and provides tips and tricks for optimizing soft tissue management and esthetic outcome...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Chandur Wadhwani: Restorative-driven implant health – what you need to know. Healing abutment to final restoration.

The success of the dental implant is intimately related to how the soft tissues respond prior to, during, and after restoration. The restoring clinician is involved with all these aspects and must fully understand the consequences of his or her choices and actions. Soft-tissue heal

Prosthetic strategies


Sanda Moldovan: Peri-implant maintenance of the full-arch prosthesis

The biggest disappointment for patients and practitioners is failure of dental implants. One of the most overlooked parts of implant therapy is hygiene and a robust peri- implant maintenance program. Recognizing early signs of peri-mucositis and resolving the inflammation in its...

Prosthetic strategies


Daniel Fang: Implant provisional restorations

Implant provisional restorations are the business card of the esthetic dentist. Postextraction tissue resorption and remodeling is inevitable. Dr. Fang explains that the tissue remodeling can be compensated by preserving the tissue through immediate implant placement and...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Eric Rompen: How to optimize transmucosal health and maintain tissues in the posterior region

To maintain transmucosal health and tissue stability a main objective is to avoid apical migration of peri-implant tissues, and thus to prevent pocket formation, inflammation and bone loss. Dr Rompen discusses the clinical and material aspects which play a role for soft tissue...
Soft tissue management
Prosthetic strategies
Prosthetic materials


David Gelb: A clinically documented protocol for immediate implant placement and loading

Based on over 20 years of clinical experience with immediate implant placement and restoration, Dr Gelb reviews treatment options and benefits for this protocol in various clinical indications, and gives a glimpse of these procedures from his daily clinical practice. Immediate...
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


Peter Wöhrle: Integrated treatment flow

How can we treat patients more effectively, and with a better outcome? Dr Wöhrle presents how to optimize treatment planning with the final prosthetic design in mind, minimize surgical and prosthetic errors, optimize patient communication, and explains an integrated, digital...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Implant placement and guided bone regeneration in the anterior area of the mandible

A 55-year-old male patient desired replacement of a previously extracted, missing lower canine #43 FDI (#27 US) which had not been previously restored. The treatment option was the placement of an implant with horizontal and vertical bone augmentation.

Guided Surgery