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Stable Tissue, Healthy Implants

Prevent peri-implantitis with a strong peri-implant mucosa. Prof. Tabanella reveals the 2 mm rule, anodized abutments, and tips for lasting esthetics. Watch now!

Soft tissue management

Patient cases

Complex treatment of the anterior zone combining implant and orthodontic therapy

In this patient case, Dr Fabbri shows the complex treatment of the esthetic zone with a combined treatment of implant therapy, using the guided pilot drill approach, and orthodontic treatment. 

Guided Surgery
Anterior implants
Immediate implant placement

Patient cases

Treatment of multiple gingival recessions

A patient with multiple maxilla recessions, all attributable to an incongruous brushing complaining of an aesthetic deficit and radicular sensitivity. Composite reconstructions were performed in surgical procedures prior to surgery and collagen membrane.

Soft tissue management


Spotlight on surface innovations

Speakers: Eric Rompen, Tomas Albrektsson, Arturo Lobell, Tidu Mankoo, Cristiano Susin and Giorgio Tabanella.

Why develop new implant and abutment surfaces? This lecture focuses on providing answers to this question.

Immediate implant placement
Soft tissue management
Implant surfaces


Giacomo Fabbri: New anodized surfaces designed for tissue integration at every level

Dr. Fabbri discusses the benefits of the new TiUltra and Xeal. He explains the concept of mucointegration and the clinical benefits it offers. This idea of combining the benefits of the On1 abutment with the new surface allows undisturbed soft tissue healing with mucointegration. 

Implant surfaces
Prosthetic strategies
Implant concepts

Patient cases

Gingival recession coverage with a xenogenic collagen matrix

 A 37-year-old patient, non-smoker and with absence of relevant systemic pathologies presented to the dental office with an esthetic gingival deficit and dentinal sensibility of the elements #16, #22, #24, #25 and #26 FDI (#3, #10, #12, #13, #14 and #15 US).

Soft tissue management

Patient cases

Management of an iatrogenic case following traumatic tooth extraction, bone graft and implant failure

A 30-year-old female patient who lost tooth #13 FDI (#6 US). She reported the traumatic extraction of the canine, which resulted in a significant vertical bone loss of 3 mm and an advanced horizontal lingual defect.

Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management

Patient cases

Two Stage Implant Placement for a Failing Central Incisor with Ankylosis to Labial Bone Plate.

A 45-year-old female patient who was referred re-failing post crown in tooth #21 FDI (#9 US), multiple failed veneers, generalized tooth wear and loss of OVD. The treatment involved the extraction of the root and immediate implant placement with a Connective Tissue Graft.

Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration

Patient cases

Guided Bone Regeneration next to mucogingival deformities: a minimally invasive surgical approach.

A 55-year-old female patient with missing maxillary premolars, class IV recession on the adjacent tooth, pneumatized sinus. She was treated with simultaneous sinus elevation, implant placement, guided bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting.

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites

Patient cases

Restoration of a ‘Failing’ Tooth with an Implant in the Aesthetic Zone

A 41-year-old female patient with a failing post crown in tooth #21 FDI (#9 US) with root fracture and infection, the treatment involved implant placement with GBR and soft tissue augmentation. 

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation of a knife-edge ridge

A 54-year-old man presented with missing right lower teeth and ridge deficiency. Horizontal and vertical augmentation by GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) was carried out using the “Tenting Screw Technique”. Two implants and a free gingival graft were placed.

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites

Patient cases

Multi-disciplinary rehabilitation of an agenesic upper lateral incisor

A 53-year-old female patient with #22 FDI (#10 US), which was endodontically treated and discolored, was esthetically unpleasing. The tooth was hopeless due to root fracture. A treatment plan was formulated to replace the non-vital tooth with an implant.

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Oded Bahat: 4-D of surgical reconstruction

The fourth dimension of surgical reconstruction with implants involves development of an adjusted surgical protocol, which is time dependent and accounts for normal physiological changes of the skull and face. Previous treatment in 3-D did not address the possibilities of these dyn...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


France Lambert & Eric Rompen: Proper soft tissue handling to improve the outcome of implant restorations

Unstable soft tissue seal at implants favors an inflammatory reaction that can lead to facial recession, pocket formation and loss of bone support. The more stable and tight the soft tissue seal, the more predictable the outcome of implant rehabilitation. A major criterion influenc

Anterior implants
Posterior implants


Reena Talwar Povoledo: Do’s and Don’ts related to available soft and hard tissue morphology. Need for guided bone regeneration

In order for a patient to receive a properly placed implant with a functional and esthetically successful restoration, the clinician must be aware of the anatomical limitations of the maxillo-mandibular complex.  

The goal of this presentation is to provide the clinician with...

Immediate implant placement
Edentulous treatments