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Robert Marx: Stem cell leased regenerative medicine

Regenerating viable bone capable of gaining implant primary stability is paramount in dental rehabilitation today. This can be achieved without additional morbity by the effective use of autologous adult stem cells in combination with allogenic bone and recombinant human bone...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Paul Rosen: Ridge preservation following tooth extraction. Have treatment protocols changed?

The trend today is to augment after a tooth is extracted to avoid significant loss of ridge volume and shape. Is there an indication for surgical technique and does the literature support this approach? This presentation will compare results from selected studies and systematic...

Immediate implant placement
Bone grafting and regeneration


Giorgio Tabanella: Management of peri-implant soft tissue deformities in the aesthetic zone

Dental implants have evolved dramatically over the last decade, and so have our expectations in terms of function and aesthetics. The augmentation of soft tissue around dental implants for enhancing inter-implant papilla architecture has emerged as an area of much concern and focus...

Anterior implants
Soft tissue management
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Werner Zechner & Bastian Wessing: Simultaneous GBR and implant placement in horizontal ridge augmentations

Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a well established technique for horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation. Since the first publications in the early 1980’s extensive research was carried out focusing on different membranes, grafting materials, and timing of implant placement, as...

Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration


Jay Malmquist: Biologic principles for tissue regeneration that must be considered in treatment planning

A guided pathway to success for regenerative solutions must utilize basic biological principles of wound healing and the inflammatory response. Basic principles of biology must not be violated when attempting to replace tissue defects. These principles such as wound healing...

Bone grafting and regeneration


Isabella Rocchietta: Bone graft substitutes and guided bone regeneration in treating alveolar defects. Is something changing?

Appropriate implant positioning requires sufficient volume of bone in the desired position. However, bone volume is frequently lacking as a result of trauma or infectious diseases. Regardless of the numerous surgical techniques described in the literature, which aim at regenerating...

Bone grafting and regeneration
Anterior hard & soft tissue management


Mariano Sanz: Soft tissue management as critical success factor in implant based restorations

There is a need for a critical dimension of soft tissue seal protecting the osseointegration (biological width) and a minimum width and thickness of keratinised mucosa surrounding an osseointegrated implant. The standard surgical interventions to treat these conditions need a...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Alessandro Pozzi: Maximizing esthetics

This lecture will reveal an amazing treatment journey extending the boundaries of minimally invasive guided surgery and prosthetics. NobelClinician integrated digital workflow provides a systematic comprehensive approach to the esthetic zone and to the transition of terminal dentit...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Peter Wöhrle: Screw-retained provisionalization on the day of surgery – “shorter time to teeth”



Digital implant planning and placement is here to stay as it delivers more efficient care with consistently better outcomes, especially in the partially edentulous patient. Placing an implant that is “restorable” is no longer the aspiration. With today’s technology one can do...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Torsten Jemt: Clinical problems in implant dentistry. How should we interpret the results?

Many clinical follow-up studies are performed to report various complications and failures that can be observed for different techniques or patient groups. These studies can be designed in different ways which has an impact on the results that are revealed. This presentation will...

Success & failure


Carole Leconte: Guided bone regeneration principles and treatment strategies to create a successful long-term implant-host interface

Guided bone regeneration as a concept and in practice has been prevalent for many years and has yielded scientific evidence useful to assist the clinician in choosing the right technique for the right clinical situation. In this presentation, basic principles of guided bone...

Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration
Sinus augmentation


How does cementation of implant restorations impact osseointegration?

What do we know about cement? How it flows, excessive amounts and hydraulic forces arising from cement can lead to both hard and soft tissue destruction. These concepts and furthermore, how should we mitigate the risks of using cement, will be discussed.


Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics


Brent Allan: Influence of implant and prosthesis design on maintenance and osseointegration. Enhance the long-term integrity of your implants.

This presentation will provide an understanding of the decision-making process when it comes to component selection, osteotomy design and drilling protocols to be used, hard and soft tissue management as well as prosthetic design and its effect on long-term success of implant...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Fiona McKillop: Influence of periodontal maintenance on osseointegration

Implants are an excellent treatment option for the long–term replacement of missing teeth. For the majority of individuals treatment is straightforward, but a small number of patients will experience biological or technical complications, notably peri-implant disease. The...

Peri-implant therapy


Paul Rosen: Factors associated with peri-implant bone loss

The cause(s) of bone loss around dental implants evoke many disparate views. Since the 6th European Workshop on Periodontics held in 2007, no update has been made to the original list leading to debate as to what may be relevant. This lecture will highlight some of these emerging...

Prosthetic strategies
Implant prosthetics