Dr. Schlee discusses an indepth review of both current and future therapies of peri-implantitis. One such future therapy is a galvano-electric cleaning of the implant surface to help promote re-osseointegration.
Dr. Fabbri discusses the importance of undisturbed soft tissue healing for a stable and long-term clinical success, with a special focus on the benefits of the "One Abutment - One Time" concept.
In this work the effect of surface anodization on soft tissue integration was evaluated by comparing anodized (Xeal™) and machined surface titanium discs as culture substrates for human gingival epithelial cells (HGEPp) and primary human gingival fibroblasts (HFIB-G). HFIB-G cells...
This publication contains the proceedings of the Oral Rehabilitation Symposium held at the University of Sydney in June 2018. 21 chapters cover findings on implant osseointegration, occlusion, orofacial pain, TMD and jaw function.
A 30-year-old female patient who lost tooth #13 FDI (#6 US). She reported the traumatic extraction of the canine, which resulted in a significant vertical bone loss of 3 mm and an advanced horizontal lingual defect.
Dr. Krivitsky discusses the importance of site development for implant placement. She reviews the pattern of resorption following extraction and the important role bone graft plays in preserving the bone architecture. Her focus is on two specific challenges...
A valuable reference for everyone involved in implant placement or implant restoration. 18 chapters from diagnosis to oral hygiene maintenance, 950+ photographs, over 40 videos, end of chapter self-assessment quizzes and 1,000+ scientific and literature references.
A 45-year-old female patient who was referred re-failing post crown in tooth #21 FDI (#9 US), multiple failed veneers, generalized tooth wear and loss of OVD. The treatment involved the extraction of the root and immediate implant placement with a Connective Tissue Graft.
A 55-year-old female patient with missing maxillary premolars, class IV recession on the adjacent tooth, pneumatized sinus. She was treated with simultaneous sinus elevation, implant placement, guided bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting.
A 41-year-old female patient with a failing post crown in tooth #21 FDI (#9 US) with root fracture and infection, the treatment involved implant placement with GBR and soft tissue augmentation.
This test, validated in 2019, is designed to: help clinicians predict the risk of peri-implant pathology & provide recall regimen recommendations for a particular case.
Dr. Albrektsson reviews the success and failure of oral implants related to patient influences, surgical techniques, implant designs and the locations of implant placement. The literature behind the success of the Ti-Unite surface oral implants is reviewed demonstrating the long...
Dr. Malo discusses the evolution of the All-on-4® treatment concept as it has been the primary focus of his career. He explains the reasons for its development and how his vision of implant dentistry has shifted from large grafting solutions to the placement of implants where bone
A 19-year-old female patient with multiple aplasias, substantial vertical overlap (overbite), and a medium-to-high smile line. She received Nobel Active 3.5 (13 mm) implants and simultaneous bone augmentation with a bone substitute on her lateral incisors.