Emerging techniques in dental implant surgery are trending towards one-stage procedures and immediate function and therefore require a high level of primary stability of the implant. In order to implement the most appropriate drilling protocol based on bone...
The treatment of the edentulous jaw can be a mixture of placing implants in healed and fresh extraction sockets. Unequal hard and soft tissue levels around the implants (Fig. 1&2), especially in the interforaminal region, can be adjusted by leveling the bone...
The aims of peri-implant soft tissue management in the edentulous mandible are the eventual reconstruction of attached gingiva or immobilizing the soft tissue at the implant-soft tissue interface. Vestibuloplasty means deepening of the...
The scientific literature shows that short implants with a length of ≥ 6 mm are able to support prosthetics in the edentulous mandible. After tooth removal the mandible displays different degrees of atrophy (Fig 1&2). Regarding hard tissue management...
3-D imaging seems the best option unless clinical examination reveals an ample bone volume. The bone quality can be derived from density measurements if CT scan images are available or approximately from the trabecular pattern of 2-D images. Pano....
A 67-year-old male patient with the lateral incisor who had to be extracted due to a transverse fracture right below the crown. The patient opted for a delayed implant placement with immediate provisionalization.
A 34-year-old male patient presented with the central incisor severely damaged, it had to be extracted. A socket preservation approach was chosen and an implant was placed following a delayed placement protocol with a connective tissue graft.
In the edentulous upper jaw implant insertion can be limited due to the adjacent anatomical structures (nasal floor, maxillary sinus). Less than 5-6 mm in height and 6 mm in width requires augmentation before implant placement....
Teeth extractions are followed by a reduction of the bucco-lingual as well as the vertical dimension of the residual alveolar ridge. The ensuing resorption is progressive and even the basal jaw may become involved. In the lower jaw, the....
This is the reversible inflammatory process in the soft tissues around functioning implants. Peri-implant mucositis occurs in almost 60% of subjects (± 30% of sites), restored with implants. Diagnosis is stated by clinical examination: redness, ...
A 28-year-old female patient was referred by an endodontist. The root showed signs of resorption and a long-term survival was questionable. The tooth had to be removed and an immediate implant with an adjacent muco-gingival surgery was placed.
A fixed implant prosthesis is completely anchored and supported by dental implants. There are different terms used to describe a fixed implant prosthesis, such as fixed complete denture, fixed detachable prosthesis, the hybrid prosthesis, or the...
Inflammation can be limited to the soft tissue around the implant (mucositis) or involve the underlying bone tissue as well (peri-implantitis). Infection can be caused by various risk factors, such as inadequate hygiene and patient compliance...
Presence/number of implants influences aerobe and anaerobe species in saliva and on tongue in edentulism. Subgingival microbiota in periimplantitis vary according to studies. Less periodontal pathogens than in partial edentulism. Prevotella nigrescens,...