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Bertil Friberg: The Brånemark Clinic - current research and clinical implications

Based on extensive literature review and clinical resarch at the Gothenburg Brånemark clinic over 3 decades, Dr Friberg is reviewing causes for bone loss in implant treatment, in single, partial and edentulous situations, and discussing the influence of traumatized and ankylotic...
Implant surfaces
Anterior implants

Patient cases

Early implant placement following single tooth extraction in the esthetic zone

A 35-year-old male patient with hopeless tooth #12 FDI (#7 US) had to be extracted. The implant was placed with the early loading approach combined with a GBR procedure to restore the missing buccal bone wall.
Anterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Bone grafting and regeneration

Treatment guidelines



All-on-4® treatment concept

Patients wearing complete dentures often suffer from esthetic and functional discomfort and compromised denture retention and chewing function. Denture adhesives are often applied. Many patients perceive this...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Ole Jensen: Tissue engineering for the edentulous maxilla

Based on the tissue engineering principle, that bone cannot only regenerate, but can take a shape and size greater than the epigenetic milieu, the lecture reviews various surgical options to increase the ridge volume with a focus on alveolar split techniques and BMP-2/ACS...

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Sinus augmentation

Treatment guidelines



Pterygoid implants

In the edentulous upper jaw the placement of implants can be challenging due to limited bone quantity and the presence of the maxillary sinus. Pterygoid implants present an alternative option to use residual bone for implant anchorage and to overcome the need for...

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Success & failure

Treatment guidelines



Zygomatic implants


Zygomatic implants have been documented as a an alternative for the rehabilitation of the atrophic posterior maxilla with both the classical two stage and immediate loading protocols. Zygomatic implants avoid grafting and sinus lift procedures and therefore contribut

Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites
Success & failure


Georg Watzek: The sinus lift procedure for the edentulous patient - risky overtreatment or reliable necessity

Dr Watzek compares implant treatment with and without sinus lift augmentation procedures from the aspects: relative and absolute contra-indications, intra-operative risks, treatment time frame, success rate and cost. As a general rule, the smaller the surgical intervention, the...
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Rubén Davó: Management of the extremely resorbed maxilla

The lecture reviews the principles of the rehabilitation of the extremely resorbed maxilla and compares Zygomatic implants with sinus lift and augmentation procedures, and highlights the importance of the Zygomatic concept for implantology. Under extreme clinical circumstances like...
Digital workflow
Edentulous treatments


Dennis Rohner: The prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique

For reconstruction of severe maxillofacial defects there are various bony and soft tissue flap locations available. Dr Rohner gives insight in the advantages of the fibula for maxillofacial reconstruction and presents the prefabricated fibular flap reconstruction technique step by...
Implants in compromised sites
Systemic factors


Edmond Bedrossian: Management of complications in the graftless concept

The All-on-4 treatment concept has an impressive track record. Described by Branemark et al. in 1971, a 10 year follow up in 1975 reported no statistical differences in success rates between a 4 or 6 implant restoration. Dr Bedrossian presents a comprehensive recent literature...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Success & failure


Rubén Davó: Graftless approach to the extremely - totally resorbed maxilla

For heavily resorbed maxilla situations, Zygomatic implants offer a graftless, minimally invasive surgery with immediate function treatment option. Dr Davo discusses available literature data and own clinical experience and concludes that this treatment has only a low rate of...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Andrew Dawood: Current challenges and state-of-the-art

3D planning approach is critical for using available bone. Within the current digital workflow for guided surgery the planned prosthesis is translated into a radiographic guide. Dr Dawood raises the question how precise the guided surgery approach can be within this workflow, and...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments


Yvan Fortin: Maximizing available bone in the edentulous maxilla with tilted and straight implants without restorative compromise

Placement of tilted and/or Zygomatic implants can offer the advantage of low invasive, graftless treatment options. Dr Fortin presents systematic pre-treatment evaluation for these solutions, discusses the benefits of tilted implants and explains placement options and techniques...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


David Nisand: Short implants for limited bone volume

The rehabilitation of the resorbed jaw remains a surgical and prosthetic challenge. This may involve the modification of the bone to allow for placement of dental implants, or alternatively the use of short implants. EAO consensus defines short implants as implants with an intrabon

Anterior implants
Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites


Patrick Palacci: Why use narrow implants ?

Replacement of missing lateral incisors is a routine indication for narrow implants. Dr Palacci suggests and discusses much broader use of narrow implants, e.g. in cases with narrow ridges, limited amount of bone or concavities. Use of narrow implants is a low invasive treatment...
Implant designs
Anterior implants
Posterior implants