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Egon Euwe: The esthetic upgrade for the edentulous patient

The lecture reviews the treatment plan and workflow for fixed prosthetic restorations of edentulous arches. The diagnostic planning before the implant surgery can be tested e.g. with provisional diagnostic dentures. Highlighting with a patient case, Dr Euwe explains how a screw...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Werner Zechner: Treatment concepts for edentulous patients over time

The lecture summarizes the development of implant-based treatment options for edentulous indications over time until the most up-to-date treatment techniques, like zygomatic implants, the All-on-4 technique, digital diagnostics and treatment planning and guided surgery procedures...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments

Treatment guidelines



Implant placement with open flap procedure - mandible

The surgeon should be standing or be seated behind the supine patient. Bilateral truncular anesthesia is needed. The incision can be crestal or at a distance in the labial fold. Presence of keratinized tissue both labially and palatally should...

Edentulous treatments
Soft tissue management


Edmond Bedrossian: Case presentation: Advanced treatment planning - integrating and applying innovative clinical concepts

Dr Bedrossian presents a patient case with the clinical findings: loss of posterior support, primary periodontal disease, secondary occlusal trauma, CR MI (centric relation to maximum intercuspation) slide of 2 mm, tardive dyskinesia, labial incompetence, and discusses his...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Treatment guidelines



Semi-guided surgery with prosthetic template

Hand-made templates are duplicates obtained from the denture/tooth arrangement with access holes or titanium tubes. These are located in the correct positions and axes of the planned prosthetic teeth according to the CBCT a...

Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments

Treatment guidelines


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Implant placement - maxilla

Incision can be made either on top of the crest or at some distance in the labial fold. The outcome for both approaches seems comparable. A sagittal release incision at the midline eases the reflection of the labial mucoperiosteum. It is logical to try to achieve...

Edentulous treatments
Soft tissue management
Implant prosthetics

Treatment guidelines



Guided vs non-guided

Accurate implant planning is the first step to achieve an optimum prosthetic result. Well-fitting, well-designed dentures can directly be used for planning and pre-surgical analysis or a new tooth arrangement and mock-up have to be considered...

Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments
Diagnosis and treatment planning

Treatment guidelines



Guided surgery with drill guides

Surgery using a drill guide fabricated on the basis of CT scan images transformed by a planning software offers several clinical advantages...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Treatment guidelines



Placement of implants - Angulation

The primary goal of angulated implant placement concepts is the implant-based prosthodontic rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla and mandible and avoiding grafting procedures and thereby offering a more simple and less invasive treatment...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites

Treatment guidelines



Flap or flapless

Flapless implant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed either using guided surgery or custom fabricated surgical guides made of casts taken at the first patient visit. Several clinical papers reported excellent short- and long...

Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments

Patient cases

Fully edentulous maxilla - a "different" treatment approach

A 65-year-old female patient came for a complete-arch treatment.  The aim was to re-position the old removable denture in its original position to be able to transfer it into a cement-retained provisional denture. 

Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments

Patient cases

Maxillary rehabilitation with the All-on-4® treatment concept and rehabilitation of the mandible using the existing implants

A 48-year-old female patient desired a better, more aesthetic appearance and an improvement of her masticatory performance. An All-on-4® treatment concept for the maxilla and a newly fixed prosthesis loaded onto the existing implants was planned.

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Diagnosis and treatment planning

Patient cases

Bimaxillary full arch rehabilitation on four implants

A 64-year-old male patient complained about the poor masticatory performance of his partial removable dentures. An All-on-4® treatment concept was chosen as a restorative solution in the upper and lower jaw.

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Immediate loading in the edentulous mandible for CAD/CAM prostheses

A 72-year-old female patient was affected by the poor fit of her existing mandibular complete denture, especially the constant movement while chewing. The final treatment included a new maxillary complete denture and a mandibular implant fixed complete denture. 

Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Maxillary complete denture with a mandibular implant overdenture

A 91-year-old female patient was unable to wear her existing dentures. There was no residual ridge in the maxilla, only soft tissue. In the mandible, there was extensive resorption with the inferior alveolar canal close to/on the residual ridge. 

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics