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Patient cases

Maxillary implant-supported overdenture to replace a failed, fixed restoration

A 68-year-old female patient wearing an implant-supported restoration with a very high mobility due to periimplantitis. The treatment consisted in placement of new implants and a new prosthesis to re-establish function, esthetics and provide overall comfort.

Edentulous treatments


Scott Dyer: Treatment planning and procedures for the edentulous patient

In this lecture Dr Dyer discusses criteria for the restoration of edentulous jaws with a focus on the questions how many implants and which patient receives which treatment and why, and reviews the key basic prosthodontic principles, retention, stability, support, as well as...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Patient assessment


Yoshihiro Goto: Oral rehabilitation of amelogenesis imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a very challenging situation for both patient and clinician. Besides malformation of the enamel layer and tooth discoloration, AI often shows other severe symptoms such as teeth impaction, root malformation and severy malocclusion. For the...
Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Stephen Parel: Rehabilitation concepts for the edentulous patient - how many implants do we have to place

Scientific and clinical evidence on how many implants need to be placed, have evolved over time. 6 or more implants being the standard years ago, today 4 implants can be considered standard of care for the mandible and in most cases also for the maxilla, with the All-on 4 concept...
Edentulous treatments
Immediate loading / provisionalization
Success & failure


Consensus Conference on the Optimum Number of Implants

Discover the findings of the consensus conference on “ on the Optimum Number of Implants".

Edentulous treatments
Bone grafting and regeneration
Minimally invasive procedures

Treatment guidelines



All-on-4® treatment concept

Patients wearing complete dentures often suffer from esthetic and functional discomfort and compromised denture retention and chewing function. Denture adhesives are often applied. Many patients perceive this...

Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Paulo Malo: Full-arch rehabilitation of edentulous patients with the All-on-4® treatment concept

Dr Malo presents an overview over the principles of the All-on-4® treatment concept with a focus on the prosthetic options and design characteristics. The All-on-4® treatment main principles comprise: 4 implants for full arch rehabiliation, avoid implants in the (maxillary)...
Edentulous treatments
Prosthetic materials


Andrew Dawood: Current challenges and state-of-the-art

3D planning approach is critical for using available bone. Within the current digital workflow for guided surgery the planned prosthesis is translated into a radiographic guide. Dr Dawood raises the question how precise the guided surgery approach can be within this workflow, and...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery
Edentulous treatments


Yvan Fortin: Maximizing available bone in the edentulous maxilla with tilted and straight implants without restorative compromise

Placement of tilted and/or Zygomatic implants can offer the advantage of low invasive, graftless treatment options. Dr Fortin presents systematic pre-treatment evaluation for these solutions, discusses the benefits of tilted implants and explains placement options and techniques...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites


Andrew Dawood: Graftless management of the resorbed ridge

The lecture gives insight in the use of short, narrow and zygomatic implants in cases with severe bone resorption and how using these technologies can avoid bone grafting and protracted treatment periods. Supported by impressive patient cases, Dr Dawood reviews a treatment solution...
Edentulous treatments
Implants in compromised sites
Fixed prosthetics


Tristan Staas: Treatment options in the upper jaw

The lecture describes the treatment options in edentulous cases with a focus on the upper jaw and structures the concepts in anatomical situations with major bone loss, moderate bone loss and no/minimal bone loss. Highlighting with clinical examples for each of these situations Dr...
Edentulous treatments
Bone grafting and regeneration

Patient cases

Maxillary complete denture with a mandibular implant overdenture

A 91-year-old female patient was unable to wear her existing dentures. There was no residual ridge in the maxilla, only soft tissue. In the mandible, there was extensive resorption with the inferior alveolar canal close to/on the residual ridge. 

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics


Regina Mericske-Stern: Failing teeth and implants - great variety of treatment options

The lecture discusses the different reasons, why patients loose teeth and the various options for treatment with implant supported restorations. The aspects which need to be considered comprise the reason of tooth loss such as caries, perio disease or apical lesions, and prosthetic...

Edentulous treatments
Implant prosthetics

Patient cases

Guided placement of zygomatic implants

A 68-year-old female patient suffered from tooth loss and removable dentures for more than 20 years.  A protocol considering four zygomatic implants was chosen to avoid lengthy and invasive bone grafting procedures.

Guided Surgery