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Roland Glauser: Immediate function: indications, contraindications, complications - in partially edentulous patients

The lecture gives insight in decision guidelines, indications, contraindications as well as complications and potential failures for immediate function protocols in edentulous patients. Dr Glauser presents the 'patient journey' from pre-treatment evaluation, planning with digital...
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Peter Woehrle: Multiple adjacent implants in the esthetic zone. Rationale, planning and execution

The lecture reviews the challenges in relation to restoring multiple missing anterior teeth with implants. The goal is to achieve harmony and continuity of soft tissues in visible areas defined by perceived symmetry. Problems are related with change in underlying anatomy upon...
Digital workflow
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Sascha Jovanovic: Back to basics: Diagnostics and treatment planning for anterior maxillary edentulism

Pink esthetics evolved since 1997 and is now standard of care through planned esthetic implant position and bone and soft tissue augmentation techniques. Dr Jovanovic reviews the parameters to achieve esthetic treatments in the esthetic zone and discusses aspects of the bony...
Digital workflow
Anterior implants


Giorgio Tabanella: A periodontal perspective

Supported by several patient treatment examples, the lecture gives insight in how to handle cases with reduced or diseased periodontium in the esthetic zone. Dr Tabanella reviews biological principles for soft tissue management, flap techniques, soft and hard tissue grafting...
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration


Andrea Ricci: Surgical and prosthetic considerations in implant therapy in healthy vs periodontally compromised patients

To obtain an esthetic result, the objective is to achieve harmony between pink and white tissues. usually this is an issue and in periodontally compromised it is likely to be an even bigger challenge. Dr Ricci gives insight in the surgical and prosthetic treatment steps, procedures...
Guided Surgery


Ricardo Mitrani: Management of adjacent implants in the esthetic zone - a controversial dilemma

Treatment with multiple adjacent implants shows considerably more complexity in comparison to restoring with a single implant, especially in the esthetic zone. The lecture discusses the clinical scenarios which are important for treatment planning: healed vs extraction site...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Egon Euwe: A failing implant in the esthetic zone. A red flag in the learning curve.

The lecture reviews some of the challenges in anterior implant treatment cases, in light of the main elements bone, soft tissue, prosthesis and adjacent teeth. Dr Euwe discusses diagnostic aspects and adequate treatment plans and protocols. It is important to have enough hard and...
Anterior implants
Bone grafting and regeneration
Soft tissue management


Laureen Langer: Immediate vs. delayed placement for anterior and posterior single tooth sites, are there any differences ?

The lecture reviews and compares a data pool with almost 40.000 implants placed in an over 20 year time period. Dr Laureen Langer concludes that there are high and equivalent survival rates and no statistical differences between immediate and delayed placement, and that the...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement


Massimo Simion: Partially edentulous maxilla classification Applegate-Kennedy I-II

The lecture presents options how to rehabilitate the posterior maxilla and mandible in complex situations and discusses the use of short implants and vertical bone augmentation options. If possible, short implants are a preferred and less invasive option, however for anatomical or...
Anterior implants
Posterior implants
Implants in compromised sites


Shane White: To retain or replace a diseased tooth

The lecture compares the treatment options for a compromised tooth, endodontic treatment, fixed partial denture and extraction and implant placement, and discusses adjunctive procedures for each treatment as well as economical considerations. Dr White reviews the literature data...
Anterior implants
Diagnosis and treatment planning
Patient assessment


Eirik Salvesen: failing to plan is planning to fail

The lecture highlights the importance of appropriate treatment planning to increase the predictability of long-term success and to optimize the result of implant treatment, and explains the difference between implant survival and implant success. Dr Salvesen reviews the important s

Implant designs
Anterior implants


Tidu Mankoo: Success criteria for soft tissue management in the esthetic zone

The lecture reviews the criteria for successful soft tissue management in the esthetic zone. Correct three-dimensional implant position around 3 mm apical and 2 mm palatal of the final desired gingival margin on the restoration support the buccal plate and adequate stable bone...
Anterior implants
Soft tissue management


Aris Tripodakis: Innovative implant concepts for immediate implant placement in compromised extraction sites

The lecture gives insight in a new implant concept for immediate post-extraction implant placement in compromised situations showing considerable bone loss. Highlighting with clinical case examples of different complexity levels and supported by a multi-center study in 30 centers...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Giovanni Polizzi: Innovative implant concepts for limited space situations in the anterior region

The lecture covers low invasive treatment options of narrow mesio-distal spaces with small, 3.0 mm diameter implants. This implant type is indicated for single restorations in the esthetic zone in case of e.g. congenitally missing or traumatized upper laterals and lower incisors. H

Guided Surgery
Anterior implants


Mauro Fradeani: How to plan for an optimal restorative treatment to achieve high esthetic results

The lecture discusses parameters for esthetic reconstruction on multiple implants in the anterior maxilla. Presenting a clinical case with 6 anterior implants from canine to canine, Dr Fradeani gives insight in the parameters defining the esthetic result from both a soft tissue and...
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures