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David Gelb: Winners with immediate implant solutions

Each and every day patients present with teeth that are fractured and non-restorable, endodontic failures, non-restorable caries and periodontally hopeless teeth. Traditional treatment options, such as delayed protocols and site grafting, create great uncertainty and expense for...

Immediate implant placement
Implant prosthetics
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Hadi Antoun: Is it reasonable to extract and place implants immediately in the molar area?

Replacing the hopeless prognosis molar with an implant is one of the most predictable treatment options in dentistry today. Nonetheless, there are several barriers to the acceptance of this treatment protocol, such as length of treatment and prolonged chair time. Placing and...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants


Consensus Conference on Missing Single Teeth

Discover the findings of the consensus conference on “ Missing Single Teeth”.

Fixed prosthetics
Immediate implant placement


Eirik Salvesen: Bringing together new product innovations in a cement-free posterior solution

Posterior implant placement is a common treatment modality in our practices.  However, it poses many challenges for the clinician.  Dr. Salvesen discusses the need for simple, predictable, and reliable options in order to provide treatment that limits the patient’s “time to teeth.”...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants


Wolfgang Bolz: Refinements in managing the terminal / failing dentition. A continued evolution

Dr. Wolfgang Bolz discusses managing a terminal/failing dentition with procedures which are both preditable and efficient. He discusses common barriers to treatment faced by patients. The number of patients that need dental treatment is growing exponentially, while the percentage...

Implant designs
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


Alfred Lau: Immediate implants in the esthetic zone - keys to success

Dr. Lau reviews success factors for immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone from a surgical perspective. He presents the BALS rule (biotype, angulation and position, level of bone and support of prosthesis) and walks the audience through the importance of each factor. A...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Keng Mun Wong: Considerations for posterior implant restorations

Dr. Wong shares his insights on several major aspects of posterior implant rehabilitation.  Both the surgical and prosthetic features of the treatment plan are covered: type, size, number and distribution of implants, prosthetic and abutment design, material selection, hygiene...

Implant designs
Immediate implant placement


Keng Mun Wong: Evidence-based immediate tooth replacement, the anterior esthetic challenge

Dr. Keng Mun Wong reviews the clinical decision-making related to timing of implant placement in the esthetic zone. When is it a better option to preserve the tooth and when to extract? When can an implant be placed immediately, and when is it beneficial to decide for an immediate...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Immediate loading / provisionalization


Alessandro Pozzi: NobelGuide protocol

Highlighting with several patient cases and clinical videos, and underlining with literature data, Dr Pozzi explains the workflow principles and advantages when using guided surgery protocols and provides tips and tricks for optimizing soft tissue management and esthetic outcome...

Digital workflow
Guided Surgery


Daniel Fang: Implant provisional restorations

Implant provisional restorations are the business card of the esthetic dentist. Postextraction tissue resorption and remodeling is inevitable. Dr. Fang explains that the tissue remodeling can be compensated by preserving the tissue through immediate implant placement and...
Implant designs
Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants


Joseph Kan: Peri-implant esthetics

Immediate tooth replacement offers the benefit that the hard and soft tissue architecture can be maintained. A change in labial contours is usually occuring, so the correct management of the facial contour is crucial in order to achieve an adequate esthetic result. Dr. Kan...

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures

Patient cases

Immediate implant placement in the molar region with an alternative osteotomy approach

A 25-year-old female patient presented a deep undermining carious lesion on the lingual surface of the endodontically treated tooth, solved by an immediate implant placement procedure using the “pre-extractive interradicular implant bed preparation” technique.

Immediate implant placement
Posterior implants


David Gelb: A clinically documented protocol for immediate implant placement and loading

Based on over 20 years of clinical experience with immediate implant placement and restoration, Dr Gelb reviews treatment options and benefits for this protocol in various clinical indications, and gives a glimpse of these procedures from his daily clinical practice. Immediate...
Implant surfaces
Immediate implant placement


Peter Wöhrle: Integrated treatment flow

How can we treat patients more effectively, and with a better outcome? Dr Wöhrle presents how to optimize treatment planning with the final prosthetic design in mind, minimize surgical and prosthetic errors, optimize patient communication, and explains an integrated, digital...
Digital workflow
Guided Surgery

Patient cases

Immediate implant placement with a screw-retained restoration using the angulated screw channel abutment

A 29-year-old male patient presented himself after a traumatic injury with nonspecific pain in the maxillary front area. Tooth #11 FDI (#8 US) showed only little discomforting response to percussion. the patient opted for an implant-based prosthodontic restoration.

Immediate implant placement
Anterior implants
Minimally invasive procedures